--in mica-slate. --at Panuncillo.

Gardichaud, M., on granites of Brazil.

Gay, M., on elevated shells. --on boulders in the Cordillera. --on fossils from Cordillera of Coquimbo.

Gill, Mr., on brickwork transported by an earthquake-wave.

Gillies, Dr., on heights in the Cordillera. --on extension of the Portillo range.

Glen Roy, parallel roads of. --sloping terraces of.

Gneiss, near Bahia. --of Rio de Janeiro. --decomposition of.

Gold, distribution of.

Gorodona, formations near. Granite, axis of oblique, to foliation. --andesitic. --of Portillo range. --veins of, quartzose. --pebble of, in porphyritic conglomerate. --conglomerate.

Grauwacke of Uspallata range.

Gravel at bottom of sea. --formation of, in Patagonia. --means of transportation of. --strata of, inclined.

Gravel-terraces in Cordillera.

Greenough, Mr., on quartz veins.

Greenstone, resulting from metamorphose hornblende-rock. --of Tierra del Fuego. --on the summit of the Campana of Quillota. --porphyry. --relation of, to clay-slate.

Gryphaea orientalis.

Guasco, elevation of. --secondary formation of.

Guitru-gueyu, Sierra.

Guyana, gneissic rocks of.

Gypsum, nodules of, in gravel at Rio Negro. --deposited from sea-water. --deposits of, at Iquique. --crystals of, in salt lakes. --in Pampean formation. --in tertiary formation of Patagonia. --great formation of, in the Portillo Pass. -- --in the Cumbre Pass. -- --near Los Hornos. -- --at Coquimbo. -- --at Copiapo. -- --near Iquique. --of San Lorenzo.

Hall, Captain, on terraces at Coquimbo.

Hamilton, Mr., on elevation near Tacna.

Harlan, Dr., on human remains.

Hayes, Mr. A., on nitrate of soda.

Henslow, Professor, on concretions.

Herbert, Captain, on valleys in the Himalaya.

Herradura Bay, elevated shells of. --tertiary formations of.

Himalaya, valleys in.

Hippurites Chilensis.

Hitchcock, Professor, on dikes.

Honestones, pseudo, of Coquimbo. --of Copiapo.

Hooker, Dr. J.D., on fossil beech-leaves.

Hopkins, Mr., on axes of elevation oblique to foliation. --on origin of lines of elevation.

Hornblende-rock, fragments of, in gneiss.

Hornblende-schist, near M. Video.

Hornos, Los, section near.

Hornstone, dike of.

Horse, fossil tooth of.

Huafo island. --subsidence at.

Huantajaya, mines of.

Humboldt, on saline incrustations. --on foliations of gneiss. --on concretions in gneiss.

Icebergs, action on cleavage.

Illapel, section near.

Imperial, beds of shells near.

Incrustations, saline.

Infusoria in Pampean formation. --in Patagonian formation.

Iodine, salts of.

Iquique, elevation of. --saliferous deposits of. --cretaceo-oolitic formation of.

Iron, oxide of, in lavas. --in sedimentary beds. --tendency in, to produce hollow concretions. --sulphate of.

Isabelle, M., on volcanic rocks of Banda Oriental.

Joints in clay-slate.

Jukes, Mr., on cleavage in Newfoundland.

Kamtschatka, andesite of.

Kane, Dr., on the production of carbonate of soda.

King George's sound, calcareous beds of.

Lakes, origin of. --fresh-water, near salt lakes.

Lava, basaltic, of S. Cruz. --claystone-porphyry, at Chiloe. -- --ancient submarine. --basaltic, of the Portillo range. --feldspathic, of the Cumbre Pass. --submarine, of the Uspallata range. --basaltic, of the Uspallata range. --submarine, of Coquimbo. --of Copiapo.

Lemus island.

Lemuy islet.

Lignite of Chiloe. --of Concepcion.

Lima, elevation of.

Lime, muriate of.

Limestone of Cumbre Pass. --of Coquimbo. --of Copiapo.

Lund and Clausen on remains of caves in Brazil.

Lund, M., on granites of Brazil.

Lyell, M., on upraised shells retaining their colours. --on terraces at Coquimbo. --on elevation near Lima. --on fossil horse's tooth. --on the boulder-formation being anterior to the extinction of North American mammifers. --on quadrupeds washed down by floods. --on age of American fossil mammifers. --on changes of climate. --on denudation. --on foliation.

MacCulloch, Dr., on concretions. --on beds of marble.

Charles Darwin

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