Mohl, H. Von, on the common cowslip. size of corolla in the sexes of the same species. Trifolium and Arachis. cleistogamic flowers. Oxalis acetosella. Impatiens noli-me-tangere. Specularia perfoliata.

Mollia lepidota. -- speciosa.

Monnier, M., on Viola.

Monochoria vaginalis.

Mulberry, the.

Muller, D., on Viola canina.

Muller, Fritz, on pollen of the Villarsia. Faramea. Posoqueria fragrans. Nesaea. Oxalis. Pontederia. Oxalis Regnelli. Chamissoa.

Muller, H., on the frequency of visits by insects to the Umbelliferae and Compositae. on dichogamy. on Anthophora and Bombylius sucking the cowslip. Primula elatior. -- villosa. Hottonia palustris. table of relative fertility of. Linum catharticum. Polygonum fagopyrum. Lythrum salicaria. on the origin of heterostylism. on the Labiatae. Thymus serpyllum. Scabiosa arvensis. Plantago lanceolata. size of corolla in the two sexes of the same species. Impatiens balsamina. Lysimachia.


Nepeta glechoma.


Nesaea verticillata.

Nolana prostrata, variability in length of stamens and pistil.




Oliver, Professor, on ovules of Primula veris. Viola. Campanula colorata.

Ononis columnae. -- minutissima. -- parviflora.

Origanum vulgare.

Oxalis acetosella. pisil of. cleistogamic flowers. pollen-grains. -- Bowii. -- compressa. -- corniculata. -- Deppei. -- hedysaroides. -- homostyled species. -- incarnata. -- Regnelli. -- rosea. -- (Biophytum) sensitiva. stigma. -- speciosa. -- stricta. -- tropaeoloides. -- Valdiviana.

Oxlip, the Bardfield. --, the common. differences in structure and function between the two parent-species. effects of crossing. a hybrid between the cowslip and primrose.


Paeony, pollen-grains of.

Parallelism between illegitimate and hybrid fertilisation.


Phlox Hentzii. -- nivalis. -- subulata.

Planchon on Linum salsoloides. L. Lewisii. on Hugonia.

Plantago lanceolata. -- media.


Pollen-grains, relative diameter of.



Polygonum bistorta. -- fagopyrum. pollen-grains.

Pontederia. pollen-grains. size of anthers. -- cordata.

Posoqueria fragrans.

Primrose, the common.

Primula, the, heterostyled species of. summary on. homostyled species. -- auricula. -- equal-styled varieties. -- cortusoides. -- elata. -- elatior, Jacq. relative fertility of the two forms. not a hybrid. equal-styled var. of. -- farinosa. equal-styled var. -- hirsuta. -- involucrata. -- longiflora. -- mollis. -- Scotica. -- Sibirica. -- Sikkimensis. -- Sinensis. relative fertility. long-styled. short-styled. transmission of form, constitution and fertility. equal-styled variety. -- stricta. -- veris. difference in structure between the two forms. degrees of fertility when legitimately or illegitimately united. fertility possessed by illegitimate plants. equal-styled red variety. long-styled. length of pistil. -- verticillata. -- villosa. -- vulgaris (var. acaulis Linn.). pollen-grains. relative fertility of the two forms. length of pistil

Primula vulgaris, var. rubra.

Prunella vulgaris.


Pulmonaria angustifolia. anthers. -- azurea. -- officinalis. number of flowers. pistil.

Ranunculus aquatilis.

Ray-florets, their use.

Rhamnus catharticus. size of corolla. -- frangula. -- lanceolatus.

Rhinanthus crista-galli.

Rubiaceae. size of anthers. stigmas. number of heterostyled genera.

Rudgea eriantha.

Rue, the common.

Ruellia tuberosa.

Salvia. -- cleistogama. -- Horminum.

Satureia hortensis.

Scabiosa arvensis. -- atro-purpurea. -- succisa.

Scott, J., on Primula auricula. on Primula vulgaris. on Primula var. rubra. on Primula Sikkimensis. on Primula farinosa. homostyled Primulae. hybrids. length of pistil. Hottonia palustris. Androsace vitalliana. Polyanthus. Mitchella repens. Acanthaceae. Eranthemum ambiguum bearing three kinds of flowers.

Charles Darwin

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