Flowering, period of, superiority of crossed over self-fertilised.

Flowers, white, larger proportion smelling sweetly. structure and conspicuousness of. conspicuous and inconspicuous. papilionaceous. fertilised with pollen from a distinct plant.

Forsythia viridissima.

Foxglove. Frankland, Dr., chemical affinity.

Fraxinus ornus.

Fumaria capreolata. -- officinalis.

Galium aparine.

Gallesio, spontaneous crossing of oranges.

Galton, Mr., Limnanthes douglasii. report on the tables of measurements. self-fertilised plants. superior vigour of crossed seedlings in Lathyrus odoratus.

Gartner, excess of pollen injurious. plants fertilising one another at a considerable distance. Lobelia fulgens. sterility of Verbascum nigrum. number of pollen-grains to fertilise Geum urbanum. experiments with pollen.

Gentry, Mr., perforation of corolla.


Geranium phaeum.

Gerardia pedicularia.

Germination, period of, and relative weight of seeds from crossed and self-fertilised flowers.

Gesneria pendulina. measurements. seeds.


Geum urbanum, number of pollen-grains for fertilisation.

Glaucium luteum.

Godron, intercrossing of carrot. Primula grandiflora affected by pollen of Primula officinalis. tulips.

Gould, humming-birds frequenting Impatiens.


Grant, Mr., bees of different hives visiting different kinds of flowers.

Gray, Asa, sexual relations of trees in United States. on sexual reproduction.

Hallet, Major, on selection of grains of cereals.

Hassall, Mr., number of pollen-grains in Paeony and Dandelion. weight of pollen produced by one plant of Bulrush.



Hedysarum onobrychis.

Heights, relative, of crossed and self-fertilised plants (Table 7/A).

Heights, weights, and fertility, summary.

Henschel's experiments with pollen.

Henslow, Reverend G., cross-fertilisation in Sarothamnus scoparius.

Herbert on cross-fertilisation. pollen brought from distant plants. spontaneous crossing of rhododendrons.

Hero, descendants of the plant. its self-fertilisation.

Heterocentron mexicanum.

Hibiscus africanus. measurements. result of experiments. early flowering of crossed plant. number of pollen-grains for fertilisation.

Hildebrand on pollen of Digitalis purpurea. Thunbergia alata. experiments on Eschscholtzia californica. Viola tricolor. Lobelia ramosa. Fagopyrum esculentum. self-fertilisation of Zea mays. Corydalis cava. Hypecoum grandiflorum. and Hypecoum procumbens. sterility of Eschscholtzia. experiments on self-fertilisation. Corydalis lutea. spontaneously self-fertilised flowers. various mechanical structure to check self-fertilisation. early separation of the sexes. on Aristolochia. fertilisation of the Gramineae. wide dissemination of seeds.

Hoffmann, Professor H., self-fertilised capsules of Papaver somniferum. Adonis aestivalis. spontaneous variability of Phaseolus multiflorus. self-fertilisation of kidney-bean. Papaver alpinum. sterility of Corydalis solida. Linum usitatissimum.


Hooker, Dr., Euryale ferox and Victoria regia, each producing several flowers at once. on sexual relation of trees in New Zealand.


Humble-bees, see Bees.

Humboldt, on the grains of cereals.

Humming-Birds a means of cross-fertilisation.


Hybrid plants, tendency to revert to their parent forms.

Hypecoum grandiflorum. -- procumbens.

Iberis umbellata (var. kermesiana). measurement. cross by fresh stocks. remarks on experiments. superiority of crossed over self-fertilised seedlings. early flowering. number of seeds. highly self-fertile. prepotency of other pollen. -- amara.

Impatiens frequented by humming-birds. -- barbigera. -- fulva. -- noli-me-tangere. -- pallida.

Inheritance, force of, in plants.

Insects, means of cross-fertilisation. attracted by bright colours. by odours. by conspicuous flowers. dark streaks and marks as guides for. flowers adapted to certain kinds.

Charles Darwin

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