This is of such frequent occurrence that one observer (26/14. 'Journal of Horticulture' July 2, 1861 page 253.) gives the names of ten varieties flowering at the same time, in every one of which the central flower was peloric. Occasionally more than one flower in the truss is peloric, and then of course the additional ones must be lateral. These flowers are interesting as showing how the whole structure is correlated. In the common Pelargonium the upper sepal is produced into a nectary which coheres with the flower-peduncle; the two upper petals differ a little in shape from the three lower ones, and are marked with dark shades of colour; the stamens are graduated in length and upturned. In the peloric flowers, the nectary aborts; all the petals become alike both in shape and colour; the stamens are generally reduced in number and become straight, so that the whole flower resembles that of the allied genus Erodium. The correlation between these changes is well shown when one of the two upper petals alone loses its dark mark, for in this case the nectary does not entirely abort, but is usually much reduced in length. (26/15. It would be worth trial to fertilise with the same pollen the central and lateral flowers of the pelargonium, or of other highly cultivated plants, protecting them of course from insects: then to sow the seed separately, and observe whether the one or the other lot of seedlings varied the most.)

Morren has described (26/16. Quoted in 'Journal of Horticulture' February 24, 1863 page 152.) a marvellous flask-shaped flower of the Calceolaria, nearly four inches in length, which was almost completely peloric; it grew on the summit of the plant, with a normal flower on each side; Prof. Westwood also has described (26/17. 'Gardener's Chronicle' 1866 page 612. For the Phalaenopsis see ibid 1867 page 211.) three similar peloric flowers, which all occupied a central position on the flower-branches. In the Orchideous genus, Phalaenopsis, the terminal flower has been seen to become peloric.

In a Laburnum-tree I observed that about a fourth part of the racemes produced terminal flowers which had lost their papilionaceous structure. These were produced after almost all the other flowers on the same racemes had withered. The most perfectly pelorised examples had six petals, each marked with black striae like those on the standard-petal. The keel seemed to resist the change more than the other petals. Dutrochet has described (26/18. 'Memoires...des Vegetaux' 1837 tome 2 page 170.) an exactly similar case in France, and I believe these are the only two instances of pelorism in the laburnum which have been recorded. Dutrochet remarks that the racemes on this tree do not properly produce a terminal flower, so that (as in the case of the Galeobdolon) their position as well as structure are both anomalies, which no doubt are in some manner related. Dr. Masters has briefly described another leguminous plant (26/19. 'Journal of Horticulture' July 23, 1861 page 311.), namely, a species of clover, in which the uppermost and central flowers were regular or had lost their papilionaceous structure. In some of these plants the flower-heads were also proliferous.

Lastly, Linaria produces two kinds of peloric flowers, one having simple petals, and the other having them all spurred. The two forms, as Naudin remarks (26/20. 'Nouvelles Archives du Museum' tome 1 page 137.), not rarely occur on the same plant, but in this case the spurred form almost invariably stands on the summit of the spike.

The tendency in the terminal or central flower to become peloric more frequently than the other flowers, probably results from "the bud which stands on the end of a shoot receiving the most sap; it grows out into a stronger shoot than those situated lower down." (26/21. Hugo von Mohl 'The Vegetable Cell' English translation 1852 page 76.) I have discussed the connection between pelorism and a central position, partly because some few plants are known normally to produce a terminal flower different in structure from the lateral ones; but chiefly on account of the following case, in which we see a tendency to variability or to reversion connected with the same position.

Charles Darwin

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