Herbert, Dr., on hybrid Primulae.

Heterostyled plants, illegitimate offspring of. essential character of. summary of the differences of fertility between legitimately and illegitimately fertilised plants. diameter of pollen-grains. size of anthers, structure of stigma. list of genera. advantages derived from Heterostylism. means by which plants became heterostyled. transmission of form. equal-styled varieties. final remarks. -- dimorphic plants. -- trimorphic plants.

Hibiscus, pollen-grains.

Hildebrand, Professor, introduces the word "heterostyled." on the ray-florets of the Compositae. Primula Sinensis. Linum grandiflorum. L. perenne. Pulmonaria officinalis. P. azurea. Polygonum fagopyrum. Oxalis. hermaphrodite plants becoming uni-sexual. Hordeum.

Homostyled species of Primula.

Hooker Dr., on Campanula.


Hottonia inflata. -- palustris. relative fertility. anthers of. papillae on stigma.

Houstonia coerulea.

Hoya carnosa.

Hybrid Primulas.


Hypericineae. Hyssopus officinalis.

Ilex aquifolium -- opaca.

Illegitimate offspring of heterostyled plants. Lythrum salicaria, dwarfed stature and sterility. Oxalis, transmission of form to seedlings. Primula Sinensis, in some degree dwarfed. equal-styled varieties. Primula vulgaris. transmission of form and colour. seedlings. P. veris. dwarfed stature and sterility. equal-styled varieties. parallelism between illegitimate fertilisation and hybridism.


Impatiens, pollen-grains of. -- balsamina. -- fulva. -- noli-me-tangere.

Juglans regia.

Juncus bufonius.

Jussieu, A. de, on Malpighiaceae.

Kerner, Professor, on ray-florets. Auricula. hybrid forms of Primula. on use of hairs within the corolla. size of corolla in male flowers. use of glands as a protection to flowers.

Kirk, Dr., on Monochoria vaginalis.


Koch on Primula longiflora.


Kuhn, Dr., on cleistogamic flowers. list of plants producing differently formed seeds. heterostyled plants. Vandellia nummularifolia. V. sessiflora.

Lagerstroemia Indica. -- parviflora. -- reginae.

Lathyrus nissolia.

Lecoq, H., on the common maple. cowslips and primroses. Primula elatior. Linum Austriacum. Lythrum hyssopifolia. Rhamnus. gyno-dioecious plants. Scabiosa succisa. Viola odorata.

Leersia oryzoides. pollen-grains of.

Leggett, Mr., Pontederia cordata.

Legitimate unions, summary on the fertility of the two, compared with that of the two illegitimate in Primula. fertility of, compared with illegitimate.

Leighton, Reverend W.A., on the cowslip and primrose. Verbascum virgatum.

Leontodon, pollen-grains.


Leucosmia acuminata. -- Burnettiana. stigma.

Lily, the Gloriosa.

Limnanthemum Indicum. pollen-grains. anthers.

Linaria spuria.

Lindley on Fragaria elatior.

Linnaeus on Primula veris, vulgaris, and elatior.

Linum angustifolium. -- Austriacum. -- catharticum -- corymbiferum. -- flavum. stamens. -- grandiflorum. various experiments. pistils and stamens. sterile with its own-form pollen. -- Lewisii. -- perenne. torsion of the styles. long-styled form. stigma. -- salsoloides. -- trigynum. -- usitatissimum.


Lysimachia vulgaris.

Lythrum Graefferi. -- hyssopifolia. -- salicaria. power of mutual fertilisation between the three forms. summary of results. illegitimate offspring from the three forms. concluding remarks on. mid-styled form. seeds. -- thymifolia.


Manettia bicolor.

Maple, the common.

Marshall, W., on Primula elatior. Plantago lanceolata.

Masters, Dr. Maxwell, on cleistogamic flowers.

Maximowicz on Krascheninikowia.

Meehan, Mr., on Mitchella. Epigaea repens.

Melissa clinopodium -- officinalis.

Mello, Correa de, on Arachis. Voandzeia.

Mentha aquatica. -- hirsuta. -- vulgaris.

Menyanthes. -- trifoliata.

Michalet on Oxalis acetosella. Linaria spuria.

Mitchella. -- repens.

Charles Darwin

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