Abutilon darwinii, self-sterile in Brazil. moderately self-fertile in England. fertilised by birds.

Acacia sphaerocephala.


Aconitum napellus.

Adlumia cirrhosa.

Adonis aestivalis. measurements. relative heights of crossed and self-fertilised plants. self-fertile.

Ajuga reptans.

Allium cepa (blood-red var.)

Anagallis collina (var. grandiflora). measurements. seeds.

Anderson, J., on the Calceolaria. removing the corollas.


Anemophilous plants. often diclinous.

Antirrhinum majus (red var.) perforated corolla. --(white var.). --(peloric var.).

Apium petroselinum. result of experiments.

Argemone ochroleuca.


Aristotle on bees frequenting flowers of the same species.

Arum maculatum.

Bailey, Mr., perforation of corolla.

Bartonia aurea. measurements. result of experiments.

Bartsia odontites.

Beal, W.J., sterility of Kalmia latifolia. on nectar in Ribes aureum.

Bean, the common.

Bees distinguish colours. frequent the flowers of the same species. guided by coloured corolla. powers of vision and discrimination. memory. unattracted by odour of certain flowers. industry. profit by the corolla perforated by humble-bees. skill in working. habit. foresight.

Bees, humble, recognise varieties as of one species. colour not the sole guide. rate of flying. number of flowers visited. corolla perforated by. skill and judgment.

Belt, Mr., the hairs of Digitalis purpurea. Phaseolus multiflorus. not visited by bees in Nicaragua. humming-birds carrying pollen. secretion of nectar. in Acacia sphaerocephalus and passion-flower. perforation of corolla.

Bennett, A.W., on Viola tricolor. structure of Impatiens fulva. plants flowering in winter. bees frequenting flowers of same species.

Bentham, on protection of the stigma in Synaphea.

Beta vulgaris. measurements. crossed not exceeded by self-fertilised. prepotency of other pollen.


Birds, means of fertilisation.

Blackley, Mr., on anthers of rye. pollen carried by wind, experiments with a kite.


Borago officinalis. measurements. early flowering of crossed. seeds. partially self-sterile.

Brackenridge, Mr., organism of animals affected by temperature and food. different effect of changed conditions.

Brassica oleracea. measurements. weight. remarks on experiments. superiority of crossed. period of flowering. seeds. self-fertile. --napus. --rapa.

Brisout, M., insects frequenting flowers of same species.


Brugmansia. humming-birds boring the flower.

Bulrush, weight of pollen produced by one plant.

Bundy, Mr., Ribes perforated by bees.

Butschli, O., sexual relations.

Cabbage. affected by pollen of purple bastard. prepotency of other pollen. --, Ragged Jack.


Calluna vulgaris.

Campanula carpathica.


Candolle, A. de, on ascending a mountain the flowers of the same species disappear abruptly.

Canna warscewiczi. result of crossed and self-fertilised. period of flowering. seeds. highly self-fertile.


Carduus arctioides.


Carriere, relative period of the maturity of the sexual elements on same flower.


Caspary, Professor, on Corydalis cava. Nymphaeaceae. Euryale ferox.

Cecropia, food-bodies of.

Centradenia floribunda.

Cereals, grains of.

Cheeseman, Mr., on Orchids in New Zealand.



Clarkia elegans. measurements. early flowering of self-fertilised. seeds.

Cleistogene flowers.

Coe, Mr., crossing Phaseolus vulgaris.

Colgate, R., red clover never sucked by hive-bees in New Zealand.

Colour, uniform, of flowers on plants self-fertilised and grown under similar conditions for several generations.

Colours of flowers attractive to insects. not the sole guide to bees.



Convolvulus major. -- tricolor.

Corolla, removal of. perforation by bees.


Corydalis cava. -- halleri. -- intermedia. -- lutea. -- ochroleuca. -- solida.

Charles Darwin

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