Corylus avellana.



Crossed plants, greater constitutional vigour of.

Cross-fertilisation. see Fertilisation.

Crossing flowers on same plant, effects of.


Cruger, Dr., secretion of sweet fluid in Marcgraviaceae.

Cuphea purpurea.


Cyclamen persicum. measurements. early flowering of crossed. seeds. self-sterile. -- repandum.

Cytisus laburnum.

Dandelion, number of pollen grains.

Darwin, C., self-fertilisation in Pisum sativum. sexual affinities. on Primula. bud variation. constitutional vigour from cross parentage in common pea. hybrids of Gladiolus and Cistus. Phaseolus multiflorus. nectar in Orchids. on cross-fertilisation. inheritance of acquired modifications. change in the conditions of life beneficial to plants and animals.

Darwin, F., structure of Phaseolus multiflorus. Pteris aquilina. perforation of Lathyrus sylvestris.

Darwin, G., on marriages with first cousins.

Decaisne on Delphinium consolida.

De Candolle, nectar as an excretion.

Delphinium consolida. measurements. seeds. partially sterile. corolla removed.

Delpino, Professor, Viola tricolor. Phaseolus multiflorus. intercrossing of sweet-pea. Lobelia ramosa. structure of the Cannaceae. wind and water carrying pollen. Juglans regia. anemophilous plants. fertilisation of Plantago. excretion of nectar. secretion of nectar to defend the plant. anemophilous and entomophilous plants. dioecious plants.

Denny, Pelargonium zonale.

Diagram showing mean height of Ipomoea purpurea.

Dianthus caryophyllus. crossed and self-fertilised. measurements. cross with fresh stock. weight of seed. colour of flowers. remarks on experiments. early flowering of crossed. uniform colour of self-fertilised. seeds. few capsules.

Dickie, Dr., self-fertilisation in Cannaceae.

Dictamnus fraxinella.

Digitalis purpurea. measurements. effects of intercrossing. superiority of crossed. self-sterile.


Dobbs, bees frequenting flowers of same species.

Dodel, Dr. A., sexual reproduction.

Duhamel on Raphanus sativus.

Dunal, nectar as an excretion.

Dyer, Mr., on Lobelia ramosa. on Cineraria.

Earley, W., self-fertilisation of Lathyrus odoratus.

Eaton, Reverend A.E., on Pringlea.

Engelmann, development of sexual forms.

Engler, Dr., on dichogamous Saxifraga.

Entomophilous plants.

Epipactis latifolia, attractive only to wasps.

Erica tetralix. perforated corolla.


Eschscholtzia californica. measurements. plants raised from Brazilian seed. weight. seeds. experiments on. superiority of self-fertilised over crossed. early flowering. artificially self-fertilised. pollen from other flowers more effective. self-sterile in Brazil.

Euphrasia officinalis.

Euryale amazonica. -- ferox.

Fabricius on Aristolochia.

Fagopyrum esculentum. early flowering of crossed plant.

Faivre, Professor, self-fertilisation of Cannaceae.

Farrer, T.H., papilionaceous flowers. Lupinus luteus. Phaseolus multiflorus. Pisum sativum. cross-fertilisation of Lobelia ramosa. on Coronilla.

Fermond, M., Phaseolus multiflorus. Phaseolus coccineus hybridus.

Fertilisation, means of. plants sterile, or partially so without insect-aid. plants fertile without insect-aid. means of cross-fertilisation. humming-birds. Australian flowers fertilised by honey-sucking birds. in New Zealand by the Anthornis melanura. attraction of bright colours. of odours. flowers adapted to certain kinds of insects. large amount of pollen-grains. transport of pollen by insects. structure and conspicuousness of flowers. pollen from a distinct plant. prepotent pollen.

Fertility, heights and weights, relative, of plants crossed by a fresh stock, self-fertilised, or intercrossed (Table 7/C).

Fertility of plants as influenced by cross and self-fertilisation (Table 9/D). relative, of crossed and self-fertilised parents (Table 9/E). innate, from a cross with fresh stock (Table 9/F). relative, of flowers crossed with pollen from a distinct plant and their own pollen (Table 9/G). of crossed and self-fertilised flowers.

Charles Darwin

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