Acer campestre.
Aegiphila elata. --mollis. --obdurata.
Alefeld, Dr., on Linum.
Alisma natans.
Amsinckia spectabilis. Variability in length of stamens and pistil.
Anchusa arvensis.
Androsace vitalliana.
Anthers, size of, in different forms. contabescent.
Arnebia hispidissima.
Ascherson, Dr., on Salvia cleistogama. Juncus bufonius. Leersia oryzoides.
Ash, the common.
Asperula scoparia.
Axell on Primula stricta.
Babington, Professor, on Primula elatior. Stellaria graminea.
Baillon, emission of the tubes from pollen-grains.
Belhomme, M., on ray-florets.
Bennett, A.W., on Impatiens fulva. flowers fertilised whilst in the bud state.
Bentham, Mr., on the differentiation of the sexes. on the cleistogamic flowers of Ononis.
Boreau on cowslip and primrose.
Bouche on Pavonia. effect of temperature and light on corolla.
Bouvardia leiantha.
Braun on Dracocephalum.
Breitenbach, W., on Primula elatior.
Bromfield, Dr., on primrose and cowslip. Primula elatior. Specularia perfoliata.
Brown, Robert, on sexual changes.
Buckwheat, the common.
Caltha palustris.
Campanula colorata.
Cardamine amara.
Caspary, Professor, on Rhamnus catharticus.
Cinchona micrantha.
Cleistogamic flowers. list of genera. on their origin.
Cnicus acaulis. -- palustris.
Coccocypselum. pollen-grains of.
Cordia. pistil of.
Corolla, difference in size in the sexes of the same species.
Corylus avellana.
Cowslip, the common. short- and long-styled.
Cratoxylon formosum.
Crocker, C.W., on Plantago lanceolata.
Cuphea purpurea.
Darwin, Charles, on reproductive organs under cultivation. intercrossed plants. prepotency of pollen. insects fertilising flowers. Cephalanthera grandiflora. Epidendron and Cattleya. number of pollen-grains.
Darwin, W., on Pulmonaria angustifolia.
Datura arborea.
Delpino, plants fertilised by the wind. on the walnut. Polygonaceae. pollen-grains. Thymus serpyllum. closed or cleistogamic flowers. Viola odorata.
Dianthus barbatus.
Dickie, Dr., on Eriophorum angustifolium.
Dictamnus fraxinella.
Dioecious and sub-dioecious plants.
Doubleday, H., on Primula elatior.
Dracocephalum Moldavicum.
Drosera Anglica. -- rotundifolia.
Duval-Jouve, M., on Cryptostachys. Leersia oryzoides.
Dyer, Thiselton, on Salvia Horminum. Cratoxylon formosum.
Echium vulgare.
Epigaea repens.
Eranthemum ambiguum.
Eriophorum angustifolium.
Erythroxylum. pollen-grains of.
Euonymus Europaeus.
Euphrasia officinalis.
Faramea. pollen-grains of.
Fitzgerald, Mr., on Thelymitra.
Forsythia suspensa. stamens. -- viridissima.
Fragaria Chiloensis. -- elatior. -- vesca. -- Virginiana.
Fraxinus excelsior.
Galium cruciatum.
Gartner on the sterility of unions between distinct species. Primula vulgaris and veris. hybrid Verbascums. prepotency of pollen. variation in the sexual powers of plants. contabescent anthers.
Geranium sylvaticum.
Gesneria pendulina.
Gilia aggregata. -- coronopifolia. -- micrantha. -- nudicaulis. -- pulchella.
Gillibert on Menyanthes.
Gloriosa Lily, the.
Godron on hybrid Primulas.
Gray, Professor Asa, proposes the term heterogone or heterogonous. on Linum. Leucosmia Burnettiana and acuminata. Forsythia suspensa. Gilia pulchella. G. coronopifolia. Phlox subulata. Mitchella repens. heterostyled plants. Coprosma. Euonymus. Rhamnus lanceolatus. Epigaea repens. Ilex opaca. Plantago media. Oxybaphus and Nyctaginia. Impatiens fulva. Leersia. cleistogamic flowers.
Gyno-dioecious plants.
Hart, Mr., on Nepeta glechoma.
Hautbois Strawberry, the.
Henslow, Reverend Professor, on hybrid Primulae.
Henslow, Reverend G., on flowers self-fertilised during the winter.