These stamens equal in length the pistil of the short-styled.

69 56 61 88 88 112 66 111 0 62 0 100 -

83 percent of the flowers yielded capsules. Each capsule contained, on an average, 81.3 seeds.

TABLE 4.25.2. Legitimate union.

13 flowers fertilised by the shortest stamens of the mid-styled. These stamens equal in length the pistil of the short-styled.

93 69 77 69 48 53 43 9 0 0 0 0 - 0

61 percent of the flowers yielded capsules. Each capsule contained, on an average, 64.6 seeds.

TABLE 4.25.3. Illegitimate union.

10 flowers fertilised by the mid-length stamens of the long-styled.

0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 23

Too sterile for any average.

TABLE 4.25.4. Illegitimate union. 10 flowers fertilised by the longest stamens of the mid-styled.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0

Too sterile for any average.

TABLE 4.25.5. Illegitimate union.

10 flowers fertilised by own-form longest stamens.

0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0

Too sterile for any average.

TABLE 4.25.6. Illegitimate union.

10 flowers fertilised by own-form mid-length stamens.

64?* 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 21 0 9

(4/7. *I suspect that by mistake I fertilised this flower in Table 4.25.6 with pollen from the shortest stamens of the long-styled form, and it would then have yielded about 64 seeds. Flowers to be thus fertilised were marked with black silk; those with pollen from the mid-length stamens of the short-styled with black thread; and thus probably the mistake arose.)

Too sterile for any average.

Besides the experiments in the table, I fertilised a number of flowers without particular care with their own two kinds of pollen, but they did not produce a single capsule.



Twenty-six flowers fertilised legitimately by the stamens of corresponding length, borne by the mid-and short-styled forms, yielded 61.5 per cent of capsules, which contained on an average 89.7 seeds.

Twenty-six long-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by the other stamens of the mid-and short-styled forms yielded only two very poor capsules.

Thirty long-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by their own-form two sets of stamens yielded only eight very poor capsules; but long-styled flowers fertilised by bees with pollen from their own stamens produced numerous capsules containing on an average 21.5 seeds.


Twenty-four flowers legitimately fertilised by the stamens of corresponding length, borne by the long and short-styled forms, yielded 96 (probably 100) per cent of capsules, which contained (excluding one capsule with 12 seeds) on an average 117.2 seeds.

Fifteen mid-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by the longest stamens of the short-styled form yielded 93 per cent of capsules, which (excluding four capsules with less than 20 seeds) contained on an average 102.8 seeds.

Thirteen mid-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by the mid-length stamens of the long-styled form yielded 54 per cent of capsules, which (excluding one with 19 seeds) contained on an average 60.2 seeds.

Twelve mid-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by their own-form longest stamens yielded 25 per cent of capsules, which (excluding one with 9 seeds) contained on an average 77.5 seeds.

Twelve mid-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by their own-form shortest stamens yielded not a single capsule.


Twenty-five flowers fertilised legitimately by the stamens of corresponding length, borne by the long and mid-styled forms, yielded 72 per cent of capsules, which (excluding one capsule with only 9 seeds) contained on an average 70.8 seeds.

Twenty short-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by the other stamens of the long and mid-styled forms yielded only two very poor capsules.

Twenty short-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by their own stamens yielded only two poor (or perhaps three) capsules.

Charles Darwin

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