seeds, together with their mean or average heights, are given. In the right hand column, the mean height of the crossed to that of the self-fertilised plants, the former being taken as 100, is shown. To make this clear, it may be advisable to give an example. In the first generation of Ipomoea, six plants derived from a cross between two plants were measured, and their mean height is 86.00 inches; six plants derived from flowers on the same parent-plant fertilised with their own pollen were measured, and their mean height is 65.66 inches. From this it follows, as shown in the right hand column, that if the mean height of the crossed plants be taken as 100, that of the self-fertilised plants is 76. The same plan is followed with all the other species.
The crossed and self-fertilised plants were generally grown in pots in competition with one another, and always under as closely similar conditions as could be attained. They were, however, sometimes grown in separate rows in the open ground. With several of the species, the crossed plants were again crossed, and the self-fertilised plants again self-fertilised, and thus successive generations were raised and measured, as may be seen in Table 7/A. Owing to this manner of proceeding, the crossed plants became in the later generations more or less closely inter-related.
In Table 7/B the relative weights of the crossed and self-fertilised plants, after they had flowered and had been cut down, are given in the few cases in which they were ascertained. The results are, I think, more striking and of greater value as evidence of constitutional vigour than those deduced from the relative heights of the plants.
The most important table is Table 7/C, as it includes the relative heights, weights, and fertility of plants raised from parents crossed by a fresh stock (that is, by non-related plants grown under different conditions), or by a distinct sub-variety, in comparison with self-fertilised plants, or in a few cases with plants of the same old stock intercrossed during several generations. The relative fertility of the plants in this and the other tables will be more fully considered in a future chapter.
TABLE 7/A. Relative heights of plants from parents crossed with pollen from other plants of the same stock, and self-fertilised.
Heights of plants measured in inches.
Column 1: Name of Plant.
Column 2: Number of Crossed Plants measured.
Column 3: Average Height of Crossed Plants.
Column 4: Number of Self-fertilised Plants measured.
Column 5: Average Height of Self-fertilised Plants.
Column 6: x, where the ratio of the Average Height of the Crossed to the Self-fertilised Plants is expressed as 100 to x.
Ipomoea purpurea--first generation:
6 : 86.00 : 6 : 65.66 : 76.
Ipomoea purpurea--second generation:
6 : 84.16 : 6 : 66.33 : 79.
Ipomoea purpurea--third generation:
6 : 77.41 : 6 : 52.83 : 68.
Ipomoea purpurea--fourth generation:
7 : 69.78 : 7 : 60.14 : 86.
Ipomoea purpurea--fifth generation:
6 : 82.54 : 6 : 62.33 : 75.
Ipomoea purpurea--sixth generation:
6 : 87.50 : 6 : 63.16 : 72.
Ipomoea purpurea--seventh generation:
9 : 83.94 : 9 : 68.25 : 81.
Ipomoea purpurea--eighth generation:
8 : 113.25 : 8 : 96.65 : 85.
Ipomoea purpurea--ninth generation:
14 : 81.39 : 14 : 64.07 : 79.
Ipomoea purpurea--tenth generation:
5 : 93.70 : 5 : 50.40 : 54.
Ipomoea purpurea--Number and average height of all the plants of the ten
73 : 85.84 : 73 : 66.02 : 77.
Mimulus luteus--three first generations, before the new and taller
self-fertilised variety appeared:
10 : 8.19 : 10 : 5.29 : 65.
Digitalis purpurea:
16 : 51.33 : 8 : 35.87 : 70.
Calceolaria--(common greenhouse variety):
1 : 19.50 : 1 : 15.00 : 77.
Linaria vulgaris:
3 : 7.08 : 3 : 5.75 : 81.
Verbascum thapsus:
6 : 65.34 : 6 : 56.50 : 86.
Vandellia nummularifolia--crossed and self-fertilised plants, raised
from perfect flowers:
20 : 4.30 : 20 : 4.27 : 99.