HERBERT, John Maurice, Darwin's friendship with. Letters to.
HERSCHEL, Sir J., Darwin's opinion of. Meets Darwin.
HETEROGENY, Darwin on.
HIGGINSON, T.W., letter to.
HILDEBRAND, F., letters to.
HIPPOCRATES anticipates Darwin on pangenesis.
HOLMGREN, Frithiof, letter to.
HOLLAND, Royal Society of, elects Darwin a member.
HOLLAND, Sir Henry, his view of the 'Origin of Species.'
HOMOEOPATHY, Darwin's estimate of.
HONOURS conferred on Darwin, list of.
HOOKER, Sir Joseph D., Darwin's friendship for. Letters to. Letter from. His reminiscences of Darwin. On the 'Origin of Species.' Darwin on his 'Australian Flora.' Answers Harvey. Memorial on his treatment by the First Commissioner of Works. Reviews the 'Fertilisation of Orchids.'
HOOKER, Sir William, mentioned.
HOPKINS, William, reviews the 'Origin of Species.'
HUDSON, Darwin's reply to.
HUMBOLDT, Darwin's estimate of.
HUTTON, F.W., reviews the 'Origin of Species.'
HUXLEY, Thomas Henry, mentioned. His opinion of Darwin's work on 'Cirripedes.' On the 'Vestiges of Creation.' On the 'Philosophie Zoologique.' On the 'Principles of Geology.' On the reception of the 'Origin of Species.' Letters to. On the 'Origin of Species.' Reviews the 'Origin of Species' in 'Westminster Review.' Defends Darwin before the British Association. Contradicts R. Owen. Letter from. Lectures to workingmen on natural selection. Asked by Darwin to write a text-book on zoology. Replies to the 'Quarterly' reviewer on the 'Descent of Man.'
HYATT, Alpheus, letter to, on his theory of acceleration.
HYBRID GEESE, fertility of.
IMMORTALITY, Darwin's views upon.
INFERIORITY inherited by the forms which are beaten.
INNES, Rev. J. Brodie, on Darwin's interest in village affairs. On the 'Origin of Species' and the Bible. On Darwin's conscientiousness. Letter to.
'INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS,' published. Work on.
INSECTS, instinct of. As carriers of pollen.
INSTINCT, Darwin on.
ISLANDS, animals of.
ISOLATION, effect of, on the origin of species.
JARDINE, Sir W., mentioned.
JEFFREYS, Gwyn, mentioned.
JENKINS, Fleeming, reviews the 'Origin of Species.' Darwin on his criticisms.
JENYNS (BLOMEFIELD), Rev. Leonard, mentioned. Letters to. Letter from. His 'Observations in Natural History.'
JONES, Dr. Bence, is Darwin's physician.
'JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES,' work on. Lyell's opinion of. The German translation and its reception. Second edition published. Dedication of. Condemned in manuscript.
JUDD, Prof., his paper on 'Volcanoes of the Hebrides.' On Darwin's desire to promote the progress of science.
JUKES, Joseph B., mentioned.
KEW, 'Index of Plant Names.'
KINGSLEY, Rev C., letter from, on the 'Origin of Species.'
KOCH'S RESEARCHES on splenic fever. Darwin on.
KOLLIKER, Prof., is reviewed by Huxley.
KRAUSE, Ernst, criticises Bronn's German edition of the 'Origin of Species.' His essay on Erasmus Darwin published.
KROHN, Aug., finds mistakes in the 'Origin of Species.'
LAMARCK's discussion of the species question, its insufficiency. Darwin on.
LANE, Dr., his recollections of Darwin.
LANGEL reviews the 'Origin of Species.'
LANKESTER, E. Ray, letter to.
LANSDOWNE, Marquis of, anecdote of.
LEE, Samuel, mentioned.
LESQUEREUX, Leo, accepts the doctrine of natural selection.
LEWES, G.H., reviews the 'Variation of Animals and Plants.'
LINDLEY, John, mentioned.
LINNEAN SOCIETY obtains memorial portrait of Darwin.
LITCHFIELD, Mrs., on Darwin's style. Letter to.
LONSDALE, William, mentioned.
LOWELL, J.A., reviews the 'Origin of Species.'
LUBBOCK, Sir John, letters to. On the burial of Darwin.
LYELL, Sir Charles, estimate of his character as a geologist. Letters to. Letters from. Opinion of 'Coral Reefs.' His views of the 'Origin of Species.' On the origin of species by natural causes. Admission of the doctrine of natural selection. Darwin on his 'Antiquity of Man.' Falconer's reclamation from his 'Antiquity of Man.' Darwin on his 'Elements of Geology.' His death. Darwin's opinion of.