Macleay, on analogical characters


McDonnell, Dr., on electric organs

Madeira, plants of --beetles of, wingless --fossil land-shells of --birds of

Magpie tame in Norway

Males, fighting

Maize, crossed

Malay Archipelago, compared with Europe --mammals of

Malm, on flat-fish

Malpighiaceae, small imperfect flowers of

Mammae, their development --rudimentary

Mammals, fossil, in secondary formation --insular

Man, origin of

Manatee, rudimentary nails of

Marsupials, fossil species of

Marsupials of Australia, structure of their feet

Martens, M., experiment on seeds

Martin, Mr. W.C., on striped mules

Masters, Dr., on Saponaria

Matteucci, on the electric organs of rays

Matthiola, reciprocal crosses of


Means of dispersal

Melipona domestica

Merrill, Dr., on the American cuckoo

Metamorphism of oldest rocks

Mice destroying bees --acclimatisation of --tails of

Miller, Prof., on the cells of bees

Mirabilis, crosses of


Mistletoe, complex relations of

Mivart, Mr., on the relation of hair and teeth --on the eyes of cephalopods --various objections to Natural Selection --on abrupt modifications --on the resemblance of the mouse and antechinus

Mocking-thrush of the Galapagos

Modification of species, not abrupt

Moles, blind

Molothrus, habits of

Mongrels, fertility and sterility of --and hybrids compared

Monkeys, fossil


Mons, Van, on the origin of fruit-trees


Moquin-Tandon, on sea-side plants


Morren, on the leaves of Oxalis

Moths, hybrid

Mozart, musical powers of

Mud, seeds in

Mules, striped

Muller, Adolph, on the instincts of the cuckoo

Muller, Dr. Ferdinand, on Alpine Australian plants

Muller, Fritz, on dimorphic crustaceans --on the lancelet --on air-breathing crustaceans --on the self-sterility of orchids --on embryology in relation to classification --on the metamorphoses of crustaceans --on terrestrial and fresh-water organisms not undergoing any metamorphosis --on climbing plants

Multiplication of species not indefinite

Murchison, Sir, R., on the formations of Russia --on azoic formations --on extinction

Murie, Dr., on the modification of the skull in old age

Murray, Mr. A., on cave-insects

Mustela vison



Myrmica, eyes of

Nageli, on morphological characters

Nails, rudimentary

Nathusius, Von, on pigs

Natural history, future progress of --selection --system

Naturalisation of forms distinct from the indigenous species --in New Zealand

Naudin, on analagous variations in gourds --on hybrid gourds --on reversion

Nautilus, Silurian

Nectar of plants

Nectaries, how formed

Nelumbium luteum

Nests, variation in

Neuter insects

New Zealand, productions of, not perfect --naturalised products of --fossil birds of --glaciers of --crustaceans of --algae of --number of plants of --flora of

Newman, Col., on humble-bees

Newton, Prof., on earth attached to a partridge's foot

Newton, Sir I., attacked for irreligion

Nicotiana, crossed varieties of --certain species very sterile

Nitsche, Dr., on the Polyzoa

Noble, Mr., on fertility of Rhododendron

Nodules, phosphatic, in azoic rocks

Charles Darwin

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