Quagga, striped

Quatrefages, M., on hybrid moths

Quercus, variability of

Quince, grafts of

Rabbits, disposition of young

Races, domestic, characters of

Race-horses, Arab --English

Radcliffe, Dr., the electrical organs of the torpedo

Ramond, on plants of Pyrenees

Ramsay, Prof., on subaerial denudation --on thickness of the British formations --on faults

Ramsay, Mr., on instincts of cuckoo

Ratio of increase

Rats, supplanting each other --acclimatisation of --blind, in cave


Reason and instinct

Recapitulation, general

Reciprocity of crosses

Record, geological, imperfect

Rengger, on flies destroying cattle

Reproduction, rate of

Resemblance, protective, of insects --to parents in mongrels and hybrids

Reversion, law of inheritance --in pigeons, to blue colour

Rhododendron, sterility of

Richard, Prof., on Aspicarpa

Richardson, Sir J., on structure of squirrels --on fishes of the southern hemisphere

Robinia, grafts of

Rodents, blind

Rogers, Prof., Map of N. America

Rudimentary organs

Rudiments important for classification

Rutimeyer, on Indian cattle

Sageret, on grafts

Salamandra atra

Saliva used in nests

Salmons, males fighting, and hooked jaws of

Salt-water, how far injurious to seeds --not destructive to land-shells

Salter, Mr., on early death of hybrid embryos

Salvin, Mr., on the beaks of ducks

Saurophagus sulphuratus

Schacht, Prof., on Phyllotaxy

Schiodte, on blind insects --on flat-fish

Schlegel, on snakes

Schobl, Dr., on the ears of mice

Scott, Mr. J., on the self-sterility of orchids --on the crossing of varieties of verbascum

Sea-water, how far injurious to seeds --not destructive to land-shells

Sebright, Sir J., on crossed animals

Sedgwick, Prof., on groups of species suddenly appearing

Seedlings destroyed by insects

Seeds, nutriment in --winged --means of dissemination --power of resisting salt-water --in crops and intestines of birds --eaten by fish --in mud --hooked, on islands

Selection of domestic products --principle not of recent origin --unconscious --natural --sexual --objections to term --natural, has not induced sterility

Sexes, relations of

Sexual characters variable --selection

Sheep, Merino, their selection --two sub-breeds, unintentionally produced --mountain, varieties of

Shells, colours of, littoral --hinges of --seldom embedded

Shells, fresh-water, long retain the same forms --fresh-water, dispersal of --of Madeira --land, distribution of --land, resisting salt water


Silene, infertility of crosses

Silliman, Prof., on blind rat

Sirenia, their affinities

Sitaris, metamorphosis of

Skulls of young mammals

Slave-making instinct

Smith, Col. Hamilton, on striped horses

Smith, Dr., on the Polyzoa

Smith, Mr. Fred., on slave-making ants --on neuter ants

Snake with tooth for cutting through egg-shell

Somerville, Lord, on selection of sheep

Sorbus, grafts of


Spaniel, King Charles' breed

Specialisation of organs

Species, polymorphic --dominant --common, variable --in large genera variable --groups of, suddenly appearing --beneath Silurian formations --successively appearing --changing simultaneously throughout the world

Spencer, Lord, on increase in size of cattle

Spencer, Mr. Herbert, on the first steps in differentiation --on the tendency to an equilibrium in all forces

Sphex, parasitic

Spiders, development of

Sports in plants

Sprengel, C.C., on crossing --on ray-florets


Squirrels, gradations in structure

Staffordshire, heath, changes in

Stag-beetles, fighting

Star fishes, eyes of --their pedicellariae

Sterility from changed conditions of life --of hybrids --laws of --causes of --from unfavourable conditions --not induced through natural selection

St. Helena, productions of

St. Hilaire, Aug., on variability of certain plants --on classification

St. John, Mr., on habits of cats

Sting of bee

Stocks, aboriginal, of domestic animals

Strata, thickness of, in Britain

Stripes on horses

Structure, degrees of utility of

Struggle for existence

Succession, geological --of types in same areas

Swallow, one species supplanting another

Swaysland, Mr., on earth adhering to the feet of migratory birds

Swifts, nests of


Switzerland, lake inhabitants of

System, natural

Charles Darwin

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