Gazania ringens, circumnutation of stem, 208 Genera containing sleeping plants, 320, 321

Geotropism, 5; effect of, on the primary radicle, 196; the reverse of apogeotropism, 512: effect on the tips of radicles, 543

Geranium cinereum, 304 -- Endressii, 304 -- Ibericum, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 298 -- Richardsoni, 304 -- rotundifolium, nocturnal movement of cotyledon, 304, 312 -- subcaulescens, 304

Germinating seed, history of a, 548

Githago segetum, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 21, 108 --, burying of hypocotyl, 109 --, seedlings feebly illuminated, 124, 128 --, sleep of cotyledon, 302 --, -- leaves 321

Glaucium luteum, circumnutation of young leaves, 228

Gleditschia, sleep of leaves, 368

Glycine hispida, vertical sinking of leaflets, 366

Glycyrrhiza, leaflets depressed at night, 355

Godlewski, Emil, on the turgescence of the cells, 485

Gooseberry, effect of radiation, 284

Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton), circumnutation of hypocotyl, 22 --, movement of cotyledon, 22, 23 --, sleep of leaves, 324 --, arboreum (?), sleep of cotyledons, 303 --, Braziliense, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324 --, sleep of cotyledons, 303 -- herbaceum, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 168 --, radicles cauterised transversely, 537 -- maritimum, nocturnal movement of leaves, 324

Gravitation, movements excited by, 567

Gray, Asa, on Delphinium nudicaule, 80; on Megarrhiza Californica, 81; on the movements in the fruiting fronds of Aesplenium trichomanes, 257; on the Amphicarpoea monoica, 520; on the Ipomoea Jalappa, 557

Grease, effect of, on radicles and their tips, 182, 185

Gressner, Dr. H., on the cotyledons of Cyclamen Persicum, 46, 77; on hypocotyl of the same, 96

Gymnosperms, 389 [page 581]



Haberlandt, Dr., on the protuberance on the hypocotyl of Allium, 59; the importance of the arch to seedling plants, 87; sub-a๋rial and subterranean cotyledons, 110, n.; the arched hypocotyl, 554

Haematoxylon Campechianum, nocturnal movement of leaves, 368, 369

Hedera helix, circumnutation of stem, 207

Hedysarum coronarium, nocturnal movements of leaves, 356

Helianthemum prostratum, geotropic movement of flower-heads, 518

Helianthus annuus, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 45 --, arching of hypocotyl, 90 --, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305

Heliotropism, 5; uses of, 449; a modified form of circumnutation, 490

Helleborus niger, mode of breaking through the ground, 86

Hensen, Prof., on roots in worm-burrows, 72

Henslow, Rev. G., on the cotyledons of Phalaris Canariensis, 62

Hofmeister, on the curious movement of Spirogyra, 3, 259, n.; of the leaves of Pistia stratiotes, 255; of cotyledons at night, 297; of petals, 414 -- and Batalin on the movements of the cabbage, 229

Hooker, Sir J., on the effect of light on the pitchers of Sarracenia, 450

Hypocotyl, 5; manner of breaking through the ground, 77; emerges under the form of an arch, 553

Hypocotyls and Epicotyls, circumnutation and other movements when arched, 98; power of straightening themselves, 100; rupture of the seed-coats, 102-106; illustration of, 106; circumnutation when erect, 107; when in dark, 108

Hyponasty, 6, 267

I. Iberis umbellata, movement of stem, 202.

Illumination, effect of, on the sleep of leaves, 398

Imatophyllum vel Clivia (sp.?), movement of leaves, 255

Indigofera tinctoria, leaflets depressed at night, 354

Inheritance in plants, 407, 491

Insectivorous and climbing plants not heliotropic, 450; influence of light on, 488

Ipomoea bona nox, arching of hypocotyl, 90 --, nocturnal position of cotyledons, 306, 312 -- coerulea vel Pharbitis nil, circumnutation of seedlings, 47 --, movement of cotyledons, 47-49, 109 --, nocturnal movements of cotyledons, 305 --, sleep of leaves, 386 --, sensitiveness to light, 451 --, the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453 -- coccinea, position of cotyledons at night, 306, 312 -- leptophylla, mode of breaking through the ground, 83, 84 --, arching of the petioles of the cotyledons, 90 --, difference in sensitiveness to gravitation in different parts, 509 --, extraordinary manner of germination, 557 [page 582]


Ipomoea pandurata, manner of germination, 84, 557 -- purpurea (vel Pharbitis hispida), nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 305, 312 --, sleep of leaves, 386 --, sensitiveness to light, 451 --, the hypocotyledonous stems heliotropic, 453

Iris pseudo-acorus, circumnutation of leaves, 253

Irmisch, on cotyledons of Ranunculus Ficaria, 96

Ivy, its stems heliotropic, 451


Charles Darwin

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