Stahl, Dr., on the effect of Aecidium on shoot, 189; on the influence of light on swarm-spores, 488, n.

Stapelia sarpedon, circumnutation of hypocotyl, 46, 47 [page 590]


Stapelia sarpedon, minute cotyledons, 97

Stellaria media, nocturnal movement of leaves, 297

Stems, circumnutation of, 201-214

Stolons, or Runners, circumnutation of, 214-222, 558

Strasburger, on the effect of light on spores of Haematococcus, 455, n.; the influence of light on the swarm-spores, 488.

Strawberry, stolons of the, circumnutate, but not affected by moderate light, 454

Strephium floribundum, circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaves, 391, 392


Tamarindus Indica, nyctitropic movement of leaflets, 374

Transversal - heliotropismus (of Frank) or diaheliotropism, 438

Trapa natans, unequal cotyledons, 95, n.

Tecoma radicans, stems apheliotropic, 451

Tephrosia caribaea, 354

Terminology, 5

Thalia dealbata, sleep of leaves, 389 --, lateral movement of leaves, 404

Trichosanthes anguina, action of the peg on the radicle, 104 --, nocturnal movement of cotyledons, 304

Trifolium, position of terminal leaflets at night, 282 -- globosum, with hairs protecting the seed-bearing flowers, 517 -- glomeratum, movement of cotyledons, 309 -- incarnatum, movement of cotyledons, 309 -- Pannonicum, shape of first true leaf, 350, 415 Trifolium pratense, leaves exposed at night, 293 -- repens, circumnutation of flower-stem, 225 --, circumnutating and epinastic movements of flower-stem, 276-279 --, nyctitropic movement of leaves, 349 --, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 352, 353 --, sleep movements, 349 -- resupinatum, no pulvini to cotyledons, 118 --, circumnutation of stem, 204 --, effect of exposure at night, 295 --, cotyledons not rising at night, 118, 309 --, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of terminal leaflets, 351, 352 -- strictum, movements of cotyledons at night, 116, 118 --, nocturnal and diurnal movements of cotyledons, 309-311, 313 --, movement of the left-hand cotyledon, 316 -- subterraneum, movement of flower-heads, 71 --, of cotyledons at night, 116, 118, 309 --, circumnutation of flower-stem, 224, 225 --, circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of leaves, 350 --, number of ellipses in 24 hours, 405 --, burying its flower-heads, 513, 514 --, downward movement of peduncle, 515 --, circumnutating movement of peduncle, 516

Trigonella Cretica, sleep of leaves, 345

Triticum repens, underground shoots of, become apogeotropic, 189 [page 591]


Triticum vulgare, sensitiveness of tips of radicle to moist air, 184

Tropaeolum majus (?), sensitiveness of apex of radicle to contact, 167 --, circumnutation of stem, 204 --, influence of illumination on nyctitropic movements, 338-340, 344 --, heliotropic movement and circumnutation of epicotyl of a young seedling, 428, 429 --, of an old internode towards a lateral light, 430 --, stems of very young plants highly heliotropic, of old plants slightly apheliotropic, 453 --, effect of lateral light, 484 -- minus (?), circumnutation of buried and arched epicotyl, 27


Ulex, or gorse, first-formed leaf of, 415

Uraria lagopus, vertical sinking of leaflets at night, 365

V. Vaucher, on the burying of the flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum, 513; on the protection of seeds, 517

Verbena melindres (?), circumnutation of stem, 210 --, apogeotropic movement of stem, 495

Vicia faba, circumnutation of radicle, 29, 30 --, of epicotyl, 31-33 --, curvature of hypocotyl, 92 --, sensitiveness of apex of radicle, 132-134 --, of the tips of secondary radicles, 154 --, of the primary radicle above the apex, 155-158 --, various experiments, 135-143 --, summary of results, 143-151 --, power of an irritant on, compared with that of geotropism, 151-154 Vicia faba, circumnutation of leaves, 233-235 --, circumnutation of terminal leaflet, 235 --, effect of apogeotropism, 444 --, effect of amputating the tips of radicles, 523 --, regeneration of tips, 526 --, short exposure to geotropic action, 527 --, effects of amputating the tips obliquely, 528 --, of cauterising the tips, 529 --, of grease on the tips, 534

Vines, Mr., on cell growth, 3

Vries, De, on turgescence, 2; on epinasty and hyponasty, 6, 267, 268; the protection of hypocotyls during winter, 557; stolons apheliotropic, 108; the nyctitropic movement of leaves, 283; the position of leaves influenced by epinasty, their own weight and apogeotropism, 440; apogeotropism in petioles and midribs, 443; the stolons of strawberries, 454; the joints or pulvini of the Gramineae, 502


Charles Darwin

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