It is, however, probable that both sexual elements perish, unless brought into union, simply from including too little formative matter for independent development. Quatrefages has shown in the case of the Teredo (27/12. 'Annales des Sc. Nat.' 3rd series 1850 tome 13.), as did formerly Prevost and Dumas with other animals, that more than one spermatozoon is requisite to fertilise an ovum. This has likewise been shown by Newport (27/13. 'Transact. Phil. Soc.' 1851 pages 196, 208, 210; 1853 pages 245, 247.), who proved by numerous experiments, that, when a very small number of spermatozoa are applied to the ova of Batrachians, they are only partially impregnated, and an embryo is never fully developed. The rate also of the segmentation of the ovum is determined by the number of the spermatozoa. With respect to plants, nearly the same results were obtained by Kolreuter and Gartner. This last careful observer, after making successive trials on a Malva with more and more pollen- grains, found (27/14. 'Beitrage zur Kenntniss' etc. 1844 s. 345.), that even thirty grains did not fertilise a single seed; but when forty grains were applied to the stigma, a few seeds of small size were formed. In the case of Mirabilis the pollen grains are extraordinarily large, and the ovarium contains only a single ovule; and these circumstances led Naudin (27/15. 'Nouvelles Archives du Museum' tome 1 page 27.) to make the following experiments: a flower was fertilised by three grains and succeeded perfectly; twelve flowers were fertilised by two grains, and seventeen flowers by a single grain, and of these one flower alone in each lot perfected its seed: and it deserves especial notice that the plants produced by these two seeds never attained their proper dimensions, and bore flowers of remarkably small size. From these facts we clearly see that the quantity of the peculiar formative matter which is contained within the spermatozoa and pollen-grains is an all-important element in the act of fertilisation, not only for the full development of the seed, but for the vigour of the plant produced from such seed. We see something of the same kind in certain cases of parthenogenesis, that is, when the male element is wholly excluded; for M. Jourdan (27/16. As quoted by Sir J. Lubbock in 'Nat. Hist. Review' 1862 page 345. Weijenbergh also raised ('Nature' December 21, 1871 page 149) two successive generations from unimpregnated females of another lepidopterous insect, Liparis dispar. These females did not produce at most one-twentieth of their full complement of eggs, and many of the eggs were worthless. Moreover the caterpillars raised from these unfertilised eggs "possessed far less vitality" than those from fertilised eggs. In the third parthenogenetic generation not a single egg yielded a caterpillar.) found that, out of about 58,000 eggs laid by unimpregnated silk-moths, many passed through their early embryonic stages, showing that they were capable of self-development, but only twenty-nine out of the whole number produced caterpillars. The same principle of quantity seems to hold good even in artificial fissiparous reproduction, for Hackel (27/17. 'Entwickelungsgeschichte der Siphonophora' 1869 page 73.) found that by cutting the segmented and fertilised ova or larva of Siphonophorae (jelly- fishes) into pieces, the smaller the pieces were, the slower was the rate of development, and the larvae thus produced were by so much the more imperfect and inclined to monstrosity. It seems, therefore, probable that with the separate sexual elements deficient quantity of formative matter is the main cause of their not having the capacity for prolonged existence and development, unless they combine and thus increase each other's bulk. The belief that it is the function of the spermatozoa to communicate life to the ovule seems a strange one, seeing that the unimpregnated ovule is already alive and generally undergoes a certain amount of independent development. Sexual and asexual reproduction are thus seen not to differ essentially; and we have already shown that asexual reproduction, the power of regrowth and development are all parts of one and the same great law.

Charles Darwin

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