ABBAS PACHA, a fancier of fantailed pigeons.
ABBEY, Mr., on grafting. -on mignonette.
ABBOTT, Mr. Keith, on the Persian tumbler pigeon.
ABBREVIATION of the facial bones.
ABORTION of organs.
ABSORPTION of minority in crossed races.
ABUTILON, graft hybridisation of.
ACERBI, on the fertility of domestic animals in Lapland.
Achillea millefolium, bud variation in.
Aconitum napellus, roots of, innocuous in cold climates.
Acorus calamus, sterility of.
ACOSTA, on fowls in South America at its discovery.
Acropera, number of seeds in.
ADAM, M., origin of Cytisus adami.
ADAM, W., on consanguineous marriages.
ADAMS, on hereditary diseases.
ADVANCEMENT in scale of organisation.
Aegilops triticoides, observations of Fabre and Godron on. -increasing fertility of hybrids of, with wheat.
Aesculus pavia, tendency of, to become double.
Aethusa cynapium.
AFFINITY, sexual elective.
AFRICA, white bull from. -feral cattle in. -food-plants of savages of. -South, diversity of breeds of cattle in. -West, change in fleece of sheep in.
Agave vivipara, seeding of, in poor soil.
AGE, changes in trees, dependent on. -as bearing on pangenesis.
AGOUTI, fertility of, in captivity.
AGRICULTURE, antiquity of.
Agrostis, seeds of, used as food.
AINSWORTH, Mr., on the change in the hair of animals at Angora.
AKBAR KHAN, his fondness for pigeons,
Alauda arvensis.
ALBIN, on "Golden Hamburgh" fowls. -figure of the hook-billed duck.
ALBINO, negro, attacked by insects.
ALBINOES, heredity of.
ALBINUS, thickness of the epidermis on the palms of the hands in man.
ALDROVANDI, on rabbits. -description of the nun pigeon. -on the fondness of the Dutch for pigeons in the seventeenth century. -notice of several varieties of pigeons. -on the breeds of fowls. -on the origin of the domestic duck.
ALEFIELD, Dr., on the varieties of peas and their specific unity. -on the varieties of beans.
ALEXANDER the Great, his selection of Indian cattle.
ALGAE, retrogressive metamorphosis in. -division of zoospores of,
ALLEN, J., birds in United States.
ALLEN, W., on feral fowls.
ALLMAN, Professor, on a monstrous Saxifraga geum. -on the Hydroida.
ALMOND, antiquity of. -bitter, not eaten by mice.
Alnus glutinosa, and incana, hybrids of.
ALPACA, selection of.
Althaea rosea.
Amaryllis vittata, effect of foreign pollen on.
AMAUROSIS, hereditary.
Amblystoma lurida.
AMERICA, limits within which no useful plants have been furnished by. -colours of feral horses in. -North, native cultivated plants of. -skin of feral pig from. -South, variations in cattle of.
AMMON, on the persistency of colour in horses.
Amygdalus persica.
Anagallis arvensis.
ANALOGOUS variation. -in horses, -in the horse and ass. -in fowls.
Anas boschas. -skull of, figured.
"ANCON" sheep of Massachusetts.
ANDERSON, J., on the origin of British sheep. -on the selection of qualities in cattle. -on a one-eared breed of rabbits. -on the inheritance of characters from a one-eared rabbit, and three-legged bitch. -on the persistency of varieties of peas. -on the production of early peas by selection. -on the varieties of the potato. -on crossing varieties of the melon. -on reversion in the barberry.
ANDERSON, Mr., on the reproduction of the weeping ash by seed. -on the cultivation of the tree paeony in China.
ANDERSSON, Mr., on the Damara, Bechuana, and Namaqua cattle. -on the cows of the Damaras. -selection practised by the Damaras and Namaquas. -on the use of grass-seeds and the roots of reeds as food in South Africa.
Anemone coronaria, doubled by selection.
ANGINA pectoris, hereditary, occurring at a certain age.
ANGLESEA, cattle of.
ANGOLA sheep.
ANGORA, change in hair of animals at. -cats of. -rabbits of,
ANIMALS, domestication of, facilitated by fearlessness of man. -refusal of wild, to breed in captivity. -compound, individual peculiarities of, reproduced by budding. -variation by selection in useful qualities of.