Cucurbita maxima.
Cucurbita moschata.
Cucurbita pepo. -varieties of. -relation in size and number of fruit of.
CUCURBITACEAE. -supposed crossing of. -Naudin's observations on hybrids of. -acclimatisation of.
"CULBUTANTS" (pigeons).
CULTIVATION of plants, origin of, among savages. -fertility increased by.
CUNIER, on hereditary night-blindness.
CUPPLES, Mr., pairing of deer-hounds.
CURRANTS, of Tierra del Fuego. bud-variation in.
CURTIS, Mr., bud-variation in the rose.
CUVIER, on the gestation of the wolf. -the odour of the jackal, an obstacle to domestication. -differences of the skull in dogs. -external characters of dogs. -elongation of the intestines in domestic pigs. -fertility of the hook-billed duck. -hybrid of ass and zebra. -breeding of animals in the Jardin des Plantes. -sterility of predaceous birds in captivity. -facility of hybridisation in confinement.
CYANOSIS, affection of fingers in.
CYCLAMEN, bud-variation in.
Cynara cardunculus.
Cynips fecundatrix.
Cynocephalus hamadryas.
Cyprinus auratus.
Cytisus adami, its bud-variation. -seedlings from. -different views of its origin. -experiments in crossing C. purpureus and laburnum to produce. -its production by M. Adam. -discussion of origin of.
Cytisus alpino-laburnum, ovules and pollen of. -origin of.
Cytisus alpinus.
Cytisus laburnum.
Cytisus purpureo-elongatus, ovules and pollen of. -production of.
Cytisus purpureus.
DAHLBOHM, effects of food on hymenoptera.
DAHLIA. -bud-variation by tubers in the. -improvement of, by selection. -steps in cultivation of. -effect of conditions of life on. -correlation of form and colour in.
DAISY, hen-and-chicken. -Swan River.
DALBRET, varieties of wheat.
DALIBERT, changes in the odours of plants.
DALLY, Dr., on consanguineous marriages.
DALTONISM, hereditary.
DAMARAS, cattle of.
DANDOLO, Count, on silkworms.
DANIELL, fertility of English dogs in Sierra Leone.
DANISH Middens, remains of dogs in.
DAPPLING in horses, asses, and hybrids.
DARESTE, C., on the skull of the Polish fowl. -causes of variability. -on the production of monstrous chickens. -co-existence of anomalies. -production of double monsters.
DARVILL, Mr., heredity of good qualities in horses.
DARWIN, C., on Lepus magellanicus. -on the wild potato. -dimorphism in the polyanthus and primrose.
DARWIN, Dr., improvement of vegetables by selection.
DARWIN, Sir F., wildness of crossed pigs.
DARWIN, G., consanguineous marriages.
D'ASSO, monogynous condition of the hawthorn in Spain.
Dasyprocta aguti.
DATE-PALM, varieties of the.
DATURA. -variability in.
Datura laevis and stramonium, reversion in hybrids of.
Datura stramonium.
DAUBENTON, variations in the number of mammae in dogs. -proportions of intestines in wild and domestic cats.
DAUDIN, on white rabbits.
DAVY, Dr., on sheep in the West Indies.
DAWKINS, W. BOYD, history of the dog. -origin of cattle. -early domestication of Bos longifrons in Britain.
DEAF-MUTES, non-heredity in.
DEAFNESS, inheritance of.
DEAN, potato-grafting.
DEBY, wild hybrids of common and musk ducks.
DE CANDOLLE, ALPH., number and origin of cultivated plants. -regions which have furnished no useful plants. -wild wheat. -wild rye and oats. -antiquity of varieties of wheat. -apparent inefficacy of selection in wheat. -origin and cultivation of maize. -colours of seeds of maize. -varieties and origin of the cabbage. -origin of the garden-pea. -on the vine. -cultivated species of the orange group. -probable Chinese origin of the peach. -on the peach and nectarine. -varieties of the peach. -origin of the apricot. -origin and varieties of the plum. -origin of the cherry. -varieties of the gooseberry. -selection practised with forest-trees. -wild fastigiate oak. -dark-leaved varieties of trees. -conversion of stamens into pistils in the poppy. -variegated foliage. -heredity of white hyacinths. -changes in oaks dependent on age. -inheritance of anomalous characters. -variation of plants in their native countries. -deciduous bushes becoming evergreen in hot climates. -antiquity of races of plants.