INSECTS, regeneration of lost parts in. -agency of, in fecundation of larkspurs. -effect of changed conditions upon. -sterile neuter. -monstrosities in.

INSTINCTS, defective, of silkworms.

INTERBREEDING, close, ill effects of.

INTERCROSSING, of species, as a cause of variation. -natural, of plants. -of species of Canidae and breeds of dogs. -of domestic and wild cats. -of breeds of pigs. -of cattle. -of varieties of cabbage. -of peas. -of varieties of orange. -of species of strawberries. -of Cucurbitae. -of flowering plants. -of pansies.

INTERDIGITAL pits, in goats.


INTESTINES, elongation of, in pigs. -relative measurement of parts of, in goats. -effects of changed diet on.

Ipomoea purpurea.

IRELAND, remains of Bos frontosus and longifrons found in.

IRIS, hereditary absence of the. -hereditary peculiarities of colour of the. -variation of.

Iris xiphium.

IRISH, ancient, selection practised by the.

IRON period, in Europe, dog of.

ISLANDS, oceanic, scarcity of useful plants on.

ISLAY, pigeons of.

ISOLATION, effect of, in favour of selection.

ITALY, vine-growing in, during the Bronze period.

IVY, sterility of, in the north of Europe.

JACK, Mr., effect of foreign pollen on grapes.

JACKAL. -hybrids of, with the dog. -prepotency of, over the dog.

JACKSON, Mr., white-footed cats.

JACOBIN pigeon.

JACQUEMET-BONNEFORT, on the mulberry.

JAEGER, Prof., on reversion in pigs. -from a cross. -white pigeons killed by hawks.

JAGUAR, with crooked legs.

JAMAICA, feral dogs of. -feral pigs of. -feral rabbits of.

JAMESON, Mr., on hybrid potatoes.

JAPAN, horses of.

JAPANESE pig (figured).

JARDINE, Sir W., crossing of domestic and wild cats.

JARVES, J., silkworm in the Sandwich Islands.

JAVA, fantail pigeon in.

JAVANESE ponies.

JEITTELES, history of the dog. -history of the fowl. -Hungarian sheep-dogs. -crossing of domestic and wild cats.


JENYNS (BLOMEFIELD), L., whiteness of ganders. -sunfish-like variety of the goldfish.

JERDON, J.C., number of eggs laid by the pea-hen. -origin of domestic fowl.

JERSEY, arborescent cabbages of.


JESSE, G.R., on the bulldog.

JOHN, King, importation of stallions from Flanders by.

JOHNSON, D., occurrence of stripes on young wild pigs in India.

JORDAN, A., on Vibert's experiments on the vine. -origin of varieties of the apple. -varieties of pears found wild in woods.

JOURDAN, parthenogenesis in the silk-moth.

JUAN DE NOVA, wild dogs on.

JUAN FERNANDEZ, dumb dogs on.

Juglans regia.

JUKES, Prof., origin of the Newfoundland dog.

JULIEN, Stanislas, early domestication of pigs in China. -antiquity of the domestication of the silkworm in China.

JUMPERS, a breed of fowls.

JUNIPER, variations of the.

Juniperus suecica.

Jussiaea grandiflora.

JUSSIEU, A. de, structure of the pappus in Carthamus.

KAIL, Scotch, reversion in.


"KALI-PAR" pigeon.

KALM, P., on maize. -introduction of wheat into Canada. -sterility of trees growing in marshes and dense woods.

"KALMI LOTAN" tumbler pigeon.

KANE, Dr., on Esquimaux dogs.


KARKEEK, on inheritance in the horse.


KARSTEN on Pulex penetrans.

KATTYWAR horses.

KEELEY, R., pelorism in Galeobdolon luteum.

KERNER, on the culture of Alpine plants. -definite action of conditions.

KESTREL, breeding in captivity.


KHANG-HI, selection of a variety of rice by.


KIDD, on the canary-bird.

KIDNEY bean. -varieties of.

KIDNEYS, compensatory development of the. -shape of, in birds influenced by the form of the pelvis.

KING, Col., domestication of rock doves from the Orkneys.

KING, Dr., on Paritium.

KING, P.P., on the dingo.

KIRBY and Spence, on the growth of galls.


KITE, breeding in captivity.

KLEINE, variability of bees.

KNIGHT, ANDREW, on crossing horses of different breeds. -crossing varieties of peas. -persistency of varieties of peas. -origin of the peach. -hybridisation of the morello by the Elton cherry. -on seedling cherries. -variety of the apple not attacked by coccus. -intercrossing of strawberries. -broad variety of the cock's-comb. -bud variation in the cherry and plum. -crossing of white and purple grapes. -experiments in crossing apples. -hereditary disease in plants. -on interbreeding. -crossed varieties of wheat. -necessity of intercrossing in plants. -on variation. -effects of grafting. -bud-variation in a plum. -correlated variation of head and limbs.

Charles Darwin

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