LOW, on the pigs of the Orkney Islands.
LOW, Prof., pedigrees of greyhounds. -origin of the dog. -burrowing instinct of a half-bred dingo. -inheritance of qualities in horses. -comparative powers of English racehorses, Arabs, etc. -British breeds of cattle. -wild cattle of Chartley. -effect of abundance of food on the size of cattle. -effects of climate on the skin of cattle. -on interbreeding. -selection in Hereford cattle. -formation of new breeds. -on "sheeted" cattle.
LOWE, Mr., on hive bees.
LOWE, Rev. Mr., on the range of Pyrus malus and P. acerba.
LOWNE, Mr., monsters. -on gemmules.
"LOWTUN" tumbler pigeon.
Loxia pyrrhula.
LUBBOCK, Sir J., developments of the Ephemeridae.
LUCAS, P., effects of cross-breeding on the female. -hereditary diseases. -hereditary affections of the eye. -inheritance of anomalies in the human eye and in that of the horse. -inheritance of polydactylism. -morbid uniformity in the same family. -inheritance of mutilations. -persistency of cross-reversion. -persistency of character in breeds of animals in wild countries. -prepotency of transmission. -supposed rules of transmission in crossing animals. -sexual limitations of transmission of peculiarities. -absorption of the minority in crossed races. -crosses without blending of certain characters. -on interbreeding. -variability dependent on reproduction. -period of action of variability. -inheritance of deafness in cats. -complexion and constitution.
LUCAZE-DUTHIERS, structure and growth of galls.
LUCAE, Prof., on the masked pig. on pigs.
LUIZET, grafting of a peach-almond on a peach.
LUTKE, cats of the Caroline Archipelago.
LUXURIANCE, of vegetative organs, a cause of sterility in plants.
LYONNET, on the scission of Nais.
Lysimachia nummularia, sterility of.
Lythrum, trimorphic species of.
Lythrum salicaria. -contabescence in.
Lytta vesicatoria, affecting the kidneys.
Macacus, species of, bred in captivity.
MACAULAY, Lord, improvement of the English horse.
M'CLELLAND, Dr., variability of fresh-water fishes in India.
M'COY, Prof., on the dingo.
MACFAYDEN, influence of soil in producing sweet or bitter oranges from the same seed.
MACGILLIVRAY, domestication of the rock-dove. -feral pigeons in Scotland. -number of vertebrae in birds. -on wild geese. -number of eggs of wild and tame ducks.
MACKENZIE, Sir G., peculiar variety of the potato.
MACKENZIE, P., bud-variation in the currant.
MACKINNON, Mr., horses of the Falkland Islands. -feral cattle of the Falkland Islands.
MACKNIGHT, C., on interbreeding cattle.
MACNAB, Mr., on seedling weeping birches. -non-production of the weeping beech by seed.
MADAGASCAR, cats of.
MADDEN, H., on interbreeding cattle.
MADEIRA, rock pigeon of.
Magnolia grandiflora.
MAGNUS, Herr, on potato-grafting. -on graft-hybrids.
MAIZE, its unity of origin. -antiquity of. -with husked grains said to grow wild. -variation of. -irregularities in the flowers of. -persistence of varieties. -adaptation of, to climate. -acclimatisation of. -crossing of. -extinct Peruvian varieties of.
MALAY fowl.
MALAY Archipelago, horses of. -short-tailed cats of. -striped young wild pigs of. -ducks of.
MALE, influence of, on the fecundated female. -supposed influence of, on offspring.
MALE flowers, appearance of, among female flowers in maize.
MALFORMATIONS, hereditary.
MALINGIE-NOUEL, on sheep. -cross-breeding sheep. -English sheep in France.
MALM, eyes of flat fish.
Malva, fertilisation of.
Mamestra suasa.
MAMMAE, variable in number in the pig. -rudimentary, occasional full development of, in cows. -four present in some sheep. -variable in number in rabbits. -latent functions of, in male animals.
MANGLES, Mr., annual varieties of the heartsease.
MANTEGAZZA, abnormal growth of spur of cock. -on Pangenesis.
MANTELL, Mr., taming of birds by the New Zealanders.
MANU, domestic fowl noticed in the Institutes of.
MANURE, effect of, on the fertility of plants.