NAMAQUAS, cattle of the.
NARCISSUS, double, becoming single in poor soil.
NARVAEZ, on the cultivation of native plants in Florida.
Nasua, sterility of, in captivity.
"NATAS" or Niatas, a South American breed of cattle.
NATHUSIUS, H. VON, on striped horses. -on the pigs of the Swiss lake-dwellings. -on the races of pigs. -convergence of character in highly-bred pigs. -causes of changes in the form of the pig's skull. -changes in breeds of pigs by crossing. -change of form in the pig. -effects of disuse of parts in the pig. -period of gestation in the pig. -appendages to the jaw in pigs. -on Sus pliciceps. -period of gestation in sheep. -on Niata cattle. -on shorthorn cattle. -on interbreeding. -in the sheep. -in pigs. -unconscious selection in cattle and pigs. -variability of highly-selected races.
NATO, P., on the Bizzarria orange.
NATURAL selection, its general principles.
NATURE, sense in which the term is employed.
NAUDIN, supposed rules of transmission in crossing plants. -on the nature of hybrids. -essences of the species in hybrids. -reversion of hybrids. -reversion in flowers by stripes and blotches. -hybrids of Linaria vulgaris and purpurea. -pelorism in Linaria. -crossing of peloric Linaria with the normal form. -variability in Datura. -hybrids of Datura laevis and stramonium. -prepotency of transmission of Datura stramonium when crossed. -on the pollen of Mirabilis and of hybrids. -fertilisation of Mirabilis. -cultivated Cucurbitaceae. -rudimentary tendrils in gourds. -dwarf Cucurbitae. -relation between the size and number of the fruit in Cucurbita pepo. -analogous variation in Cucurbitae. -acclimatisation of Cucurbitaceae. -production of fruit by sterile hybrid Cucurbitaceae. -on the melon. -incapacity of the cucumber to cross with other species.
NECTARINE. -derived from the peach. -hybrids of. -persistency of characters in seedling. -origin of. -produced on peach-trees. -producing peaches. -variation in. -bud-variation in. -glands in the leaves of the. -analogous variation in.
NECTARY, variations of, in pansies.
NEES, on changes in the odour of plants.
"NEGRO" cat.
NEGROES, polydactylism in. -selection of cattle practised by.
NEOLITHIC period, domestication of Bos longifrons and primigenius in the. -cattle of the, distinct from the original species. -domestic goat in the. -cereals of the.
NERVE, optic, atrophy of the.
NEUBERT, potato-grafting.
NEUMEISTER, on the Dutch and German pouter pigeons. -on the Jacobin pigeon. -duplication of the middle flight feather in pigeons. -on a peculiarly coloured breed of pigeons, "Staarhalsige Taube." -fertility of hybrid pigeons. -mongrels of the trumpeter pigeon. -period of perfect plumage in pigeons. -advantage of crossing pigeons.
NEURALGIA, hereditary.
NEW ZEALAND, feral cats of. cultivated plants of.
NEWFOUNDLAND dog, modification of, in England.
NEWMAN, E., sterility of Sphingidae under certain conditions.
NEWPORT, G., non-copulation of Vanessae in confinement. -fertilisation of the ovule in batrachia.
NEWT, polydactylism in the.
NEWTON, A., absence of sexual distinctions in the Columbidae. -production of a "black-shouldered" peahen among the ordinary kind. -on hybrid ducks.
NGAMI, Lake, cattle of.
"NIATA" cattle. -resemblance of, to Sivatherium. -prepotency of transmission of character by.
"NICARD" rabbit.
NICHOLSON, Dr., on the cats of Antigua. -on the sheep of Antigua.
Nicotiana, crossing of varieties and species of. -prepotency of transmission of characters in species of. -contabescence of female organs in.
Nicotiana glutinosa.
NIEBUHR, on the heredity of mental characteristics in some Roman families.
NIGHT-BLINDNESS, non-reversion to.
NILSSON, Prof., on the barking of a young wolf. -parentage of European breeds of cattle. -on Bos frontosus in Scania.
NIND, Mr., on the dingo.
"NISUS formativus."
NITZSCH, on the absence of the oil-gland in certain Columbae.