Thuja pendula or filiformis, a variety of T. orientalis.
THURET, on the division of the zoospores of an alga.
THWAITES, G.H., on the cats of Ceylon. -on a twin seed of Fuchsia coccinea and fulgens.
TIBURTIUS, experiments in rearing wild ducks.
TIGER, rarely fertile in captivity.
Tigridia conchiflora, bud-variation in.
TIME, importance of, in the production of races.
TINZMANN, self-impotence in the potato.
TISSUES, affinity of, for special organic substances.
TITMICE, destructive to thin-shelled walnuts. -attacking nuts. -attacking peas.
TOBACCO, crossing of varieties of. -cultivation of, in Sweden.
TOBOLSK, red-coloured cats of.
TOES, relative length of, in fowls. -development of fifth, in dogs.
TOLLET, Mr., his selection of cattle.
TOMES, inheritance of dental malformations.
TONGUE, relation of, to the beak in pigeons.
TOOTH, occurrence of a molar, in place of an incisor.
TRAIL, R., on the union of half-tubers of different kinds of potatoes.
TREES, varieties of, suddenly produced. -weeping or pendulous. -fastigiate or pyramidal. -with variegated or changed foliage. -early or late in leaf. -forest. -non-application of selection to.
"TREMBLEUR" (pigeons).
TREMBLEY, on reproduction in Hydra.
"TREVOLTINI" silkworms.
Trichosanthes anguina.
TRICKS, inheritance of.
Trifolium minus and repens.
TRIMORPHIC plants, conditions of reproduction in.
TRISTRAM, H.B., selection of the dromedary.
Triticum dicoccum.
Triticum monococcum.
Triticum spelta.
Triticum turgidum.
Triticum vulgare, wild in Asia.
TRITON, breeding in the branchiferous stage.
"TRONFO" pigeon.
Tropaeolum minus and majus, reversion in hybrids of.
TROUBETZKOY, Prince, experiments with pear-trees at Moscow.
TROUSSEAU, Prof., pathological resemblance of twins.
TRUMPETER pigeon. -known in 1735.
TSCHARNER, H.A. DE, graft-hybrid produced by inosculation in the vine.
TSCHUDI, on the naked Peruvian dog. -extinct varieties of maize from Peruvian tombs.
TUBERS, bud-variation by.
TUCKERMAN, Mr., sterility of Carex rigida.
TUFTED ducks.
TULIPS, variability of. -bud-variation in. -influence of soil in "breaking."
TUMBLER pigeon. -short-faced, figured. -skull figured. -lower jaw figured. -scapula and furculum figured. -early known in India. -history of. -sub-breeds of. -young, unable to break the egg-shell. -probable further modification of.
"TUMMLER" (pigeons).
TUMOURS, ovarian, occurrence of hairs and teeth in. -polypoid, origin of.
TURBIT (pigeon).
TURKEY, domestic, origin of. -crossing of, with North American wild turkey. -breeds of. -crested white cock. -wild, characters of. -degeneration of, in India. -failure of eggs of, in Delhi. -feral, on the Parana. -change produced in, by domestication.
TURKEY, striped young pigs in.
TURNER (pigeon).
TURNER, C., on the hollyhock.
TURNER, W., on cells.
TURNIPS, origin of. -reversion in. -run wild. -crosses of. -Swedish, preferred by hares. -acclimatisation of, in India.
TURNSPIT, on an Egyptian monument. -crosses of the.
TURTLE-DOVE, white and coloured, crossing of.
Turtur auritus, hybrids of, with T. cambayensis and T. suratensis.
Turtur risorius, crossing of, with the common pigeon. -hybrids of with T. vulgaris.
Turtur suratensis, sterile hybrids of, with T. vulgaris. -hybrids of, with T. auritus.
Turtur vulgaris, crossing of, with the common pigeon. -hybrid of, with T. risorius. -sterile hybrids of, with T. suratensis and Ectopistes migratorius.
TUSKS of wild and domesticated pigs.
Tussilago farfara, variegated.
TWIN-SEED of Fuchsia coccinea and fulgens.
TYERMAN, B., on the pigs of the Pacific Islands. -on the dogs of the Pacific Islands.
TYLOR, Mr., on the prohibition of consanguineous marriages.
UDDERS, development of the.
Ulex, double-flowered.
Ulmus campestris and effusa, hybrids of.