WHITBY, Mrs., on the markings of silkworms. -on the silk-moth.

WHITE, Mr., reproduction of supernumerary digits after amputation. -time occupied in the blending of crossed races.

WHITE, GILBERT, vegetable diet of dogs.

WHITE and white-spotted animals, liability of, to disease.

WHITE flowers, most truly reproduced by seed.

WICHURA, MAX, on hybrid willows. -analogy between the pollen of old-cultivated plants and of hybrids.

WICKING, Mr., inheritance of the primary characters of Columba livia in cross-bred pigeons. -production of a white head in almond tumblers.

WICKSTED, Mr., on cases of individual sterility.

WIEGMANN, spontaneous crossing of blue and white peas. -crossing of varieties of cabbage. -on contabescence.

WIGHT, Dr., sexual sterility of plants propagated by buds, etc.

WILCKENS, Dr., effect of previous impregnation. -alpine breeds. -drooping ears. -correlation of hair and horns.

WILDE, Sir W.R., occurrence of Bos frontosus and longifrons in Irish crannoges. -attention paid to breeds of animals by the ancient Irish.

WILDER, Dr. B., on the brain of dogs. -supernumerary digits.

WILDMAN, on the dahlia.

WILDNESS of the progeny of crossed tame animals.

WILKES, Capt., on the taming of pigeons among the Polynesians.

WILKINSON, J., on crossed cattle.

WILLIAMS, Mr., change of plumage in a Hamburgh hen.

WILLIAMS, Mr., intercrossing of strawberries.

WILLIAMSON, Capt., degeneration of dogs in India. -on small Indian asses.

WILLIAMSON, Rev. W., doubling of Anemone coronaria by selection.

WILLOWS, weeping. -reversion of spiral-leaved weeping. -hybrids of. -galls of.

WILLUGHBY, F., notice of spot pigeons. -on a fantail pigeon. -on tumbler pigeons. -on the turbit. -on the barb and carrier pigeons. -on the hook-billed duck.

WILMOT, Mr., on a crested white Turkey-cock. -reversion of sheep in colour.

WILSON, B.O., fertility of hybrids of humped and ordinary cattle in Tasmania.

WILSON, Dr., prepotency of the Manx over the common cat.

WILSON, JAMES, origin of dogs.

WILSON, Mr., on prepotency of transmission in sheep. -on the breeding of bulls.

WINGS, proportionate length of, in different breeds of pigeons. -of fowls, effects of disuse on. -characters and variations of, in ducks. -diminution of, in birds of small islands.

WING-FEATHERS, number of, in pigeons. -variability of, in fowls.

WOLF, recent existence of, in Ireland. -barking of young. -hybrids of, with the dog.

WOLF-DOG, black, of Florida.

WOLVES, North American, their resemblance to dogs of the same region. -burrowing of.

WOODBURY, Mr., crossing of the Ligurian and common hive bees. -variability of bees.

WOODWARD, S.P., on Arctic Mollusca.

WOOD, WILLOUGHBY, reversion from a cross. -on Mr. Bates' cattle.

WOOLER, W.A., on the young of the Himalayan rabbit. -persistency of the coloured calyx in a crossed polyanthus.

WOUNDS, healing of.

WRIGHT, J., production of crippled calves by short-horned cattle. -on selection in cattle. -effect of close interbreeding on pigs. -deterioration of game-cocks by close interbreeding.

WRIGHT, STRETHILL, on the development of the hydroida.

WYMAN, Dr., on Niata cattle, and on a similar malformation in the codfish. -on Virginian pigs. -browsing under water.

XENOPHON, on the colours of hunting dogs.

XIMENES, Cardinal, regulations for the selection of rams.

"YAHU," the name of the pigeon in Persia.

YAKS, domestication of. -selection of white-tailed.

YAM, development of axillary bulbs in the.

YARRELL, Mr., deficiency of teeth in hairless dogs. -on ducks. -characters of domestic goose, resembling those of Anser albifrons. -whiteness of ganders. -variations in gold-fish. -assumption of male plumage by the hen-pheasant. -effect of castration upon the cock. -breeding of the skylark in captivity. -plumage of the male linnet in confinement. -on the dingo.

YELLOW fever, in Mexico.

YEW, fastigiate.

YEW, Irish, hardy in New York.

YEW, weeping. -propagation of, by seed.

Charles Darwin

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