Surprise, astonishment--Elevation of the eyebrows--Opening the mouth-- Protrusion of the lips--Gestures accompanying surprise-- Admiration Fear--Terror--Erection of the hair--Contraction of the platysma muscle--Dilatation of the pupils--horror--Conclusion. Pages 278-308


Nature of a blush--Inheritance--The parts of the body most affected-- Blushing in the various races of man--Accompanying gestures-- Confusion of mind--Causes of blushing--Self-attention, the fundamental element--Shyness--Shame, from broken moral laws and conventional rules--Modesty--Theory of blushing--Recapitulation 309-346


The three leading principles which have determined the chief movements of expression--Their inheritance--On the part which the will and intention have played in the acquirement of various expressions-- The instinctive recognition of expression--The bearing of our subject on the specific unity of the races of man--On the successive acquirement of various expressions by the progenitors of man-- The importance of expression--Conclusion 347-366


1. Diagram of the muscles of the face, from Sir C. Bell 24
2. " " " Henle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3. " " " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4 Small dog watching a cat on a table 43
5 Dog approaching another dog with hostile intentions 52
6. Dog in a humble and affectionate frame of mind 53
7. Half-bred Shepherd Dog 54
8. Dog caressing his master 55
9. Cat, savage, and prepared to fight 58
10. Cat in an affectionate frame of mind 59
11. Sound-producing quills from the tail of the Porcupine 93
12. Hen driving away a dog from her chickens......98
13. Swan driving away an intruder.................99
14. Head of snarling dog.........................117
15. Cat terrified at a dog.......................125
16. Cynopithecus niger, in a placid condition....135
17. The same, when pleased by being caressed.....135
18. Chimpanzee disappointed and sulky............139
19. Photograph of an insane woman................296
20. Terror.......................................299
21. Horror and Agony.............................306

Plate I. to face page 147 Plate V. to face page 254.
" II. " 178. " VI. " 264.
" III. " 200. " VII. " 300.
" IV. " 248.

_N. B_.--Several of the figures in these seven Heliotype Plates have been reproduced from photographs, instead of from the original negatives; and they are in consequence somewhat indistinct. Nevertheless they are faithful copies, and are much superior for my purpose to any drawing, however carefully executed.

Charles Darwin

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