Aberrant groups
Abyssinia, plants of
Affinities of extinct species --of organic beings
Agassiz on Amblyopsis --on groups of species suddenly appearing --on prophetic forms --on embryological succession --on the Glacial period --on embryological characters --on the latest tertiary forms --on parallelism of embryological development and geological succession --Alex., on pedicellariae
Algae of New Zealand
Alligators, males, fighting
Alternate generations
Amblyopsis, blind fish
America, North, productions allied to those of Europe --boulders and glaciers of --South, no modern formations on west coast
Ammonites, sudden extinction of
Anagallis, sterility of
Analogy of variations
Andaman Islands inhabited by a toad
Animals, not domesticated from being variable --domestic; descended from several stocks --acclimatisation of
Animals of Australia --with thicker fur in cold climates --blind, in caves --extinct, of Australia
Antarctic islands, ancient flora of
Ants attending aphides --slave-making instinct --neuters, structure of
Apes, not having acquired intellectual powers
Aphides attended by ants
Aphis, development of
Arab horses
Aralo-Caspian Sea
Archiac, M. de, on the succession of species
Artichoke, Jerusalem
Ascension, plants of
Asclepias, pollen of
Asses, striped --improved by selection
Aucapitaine, on land-shells
Audubon, on habits of frigate-bird --on variation in birds' nests --on heron eating seeds
Australia, animals of --dogs of --extinct animals of --European plants in --glaciers of
Azara, on flies destroying cattle
Azores, flora of
Babington, Mr., on British plants
Baer, Von, standard of Highness --comparison of bee and fish --embryonic similarity of the Vertebrata
Baker, Sir S., on the giraffe
Balancement of growth
Barberry, flowers of
Barrande, M., on Silurian colonies --on the succession of species --on parallelism of palaeozoic formations --on affinities of ancient species
Barriers, importance of
Bates, Mr., on mimetic butterflies
Batrachians on islands
Bats, how structure acquired --distribution of
Bear, catching water-insects
Beauty, how acquired
Bee, sting of --queen, killing rivals --Australian, extermination of
Bees, fertilizing flowers --hive, not sucking the red clover --hive, cell-making instinct --Ligurian --variation in habits
Bees, parasitic --humble, cells of
Beetles, wingless, in Madeira --with deficient tarsi
Bentham, Mr., on British plants --on classification
Berkeley, Mr., on seeds in salt-water
Bermuda, birds of
Birds acquiring fear --beauty of --annually cross the Atlantic --colour of, on continents --footsteps, and remains of, in secondary rocks --fossil, in caves of Brazil --of Madeira, Bermuda, and Galapagos --song of males --transporting seeds --waders --wingless
Bizcacha, affinities of
Bladder for swimming, in fish
Blindness of cave animals
Blyth, Mr., on distinctness of Indian cattle --on striped Hemionus --on crossed geese
Borrow, Mr., on the Spanish pointer
Bory St. Vincent, on Batrachians
Bosquet, M., on fossil Chthamalus
Boulders, erratic, on the Azores
Branchiae --of crustaceans
Braun, Prof., on the seeds of Fumariaceae
Brent, Mr., on house-tumblers
Britain, mammals of
Broca, Prof., on Natural Selection
Bronn, Prof., on duration of specific forms --various objections by
Brown, Robert, on classification
Brown-Sequard, on inherited mutilations
Busk, Mr., on the Polyzoa
Butterflies, mimetic
Buzareingues, on sterility of varieties