Cabbage, varieties of, crossed
Canary-birds, sterility of hybrids
Cape de Verde Islands, productions of --plants of, on mountains
Cape of Good Hope, plants of
Carpenter, Dr., on foraminifera
Cats, with blue eyes, deaf --variation in habits of --curling tail when going to spring
Cattle destroying fir-trees --destroyed by flies in Paraguay --breeds of, locally extinct --fertility of Indian and European breeds --Indian
Cave, inhabitants of, blind
Celts, proving antiquity of man
Centres of creation
Cephalopodae, structures of eyes --development of
Cercopithecus, tail of
Ceroxylus laceratus
Cetacea, teeth and hair --development of the whalebone
Ceylon, plants of
Chalk formation
Characters, divergence of --sexual, variable --adaptive or analogical
Checks to increase --mutual
Chelae of Crustaceans
Chickens, instinctive tameness of
Chironomus, its asexual reproduction
Chthamalus, cretacean species of
Circumstances favourable to selection of domestic products --to natural selection
Cirripedes capable of crossing --carapace aborted --their ovigerous frena --fossil --larvae of
Claparede, Prof., on the hair-claspers of the Acaridae
Clarke, Rev. W.B., on old glaciers in Australia
Clift, Mr., on the succession of types
Climate, effects of, in checking increase of beings --adaptation of, to organisms
Climbing plants --development of
Clover visited by bees
Cobites, intestine of
Collections, palaeontological, poor
Colour, influenced by climate --in relation to attacks by flies
Columba livia, parent of domestic pigeons
Compensation of growth
Compositae, flowers and seeds of --outer and inner florets of --male flowers of
Conclusion, general
Conditions, slight changes in, favourable to fertility
Convergence of genera
Cope, Prof., on the acceleration or retardation of the period of reproduction
Coral-islands, seeds drifted to --reefs, indicating movements of earth
Correlated variation in domestic productions
Creation, single centres of
Croll, Mr., on subaerial denudation --on the age of our oldest formations --on alternate Glacial periods in the North and South
Crosses, reciprocal
Crossing of domestic animals, importance in altering breeds --advantages of --unfavourable to selection
Cruger, Dr., on Coryanthes
Crustacea of New Zealand
Crustacean, blind air-breathers
Crustaceans, their chelae
Ctenomys, blind
Cuckoo, instinct of
Cunningham, Mr., on the flight of the logger-headed duck
Currants, grafts of
Currents of sea, rate of
Cuvier on conditions of existence --on fossil monkeys
Cuvier, Fred., on instinct
Cyclostoma, resisting salt water