Dana, Prof., on blind cave-animals --on relations of crustaceans of Japan --on crustaceans of New Zealand
Dawson, Dr., on eozoon
De Candolle, Aug. Pyr., on struggle for existence --on umbelliferae --on general affinities
De Candolle, Alph., on the variability of oaks --on low plants, widely dispersed --on widely-ranging plants being variable --on naturalisation --on winged seeds --on Alpine species suddenly becoming rare --on distribution of plants with large seeds --on vegetation of Australia --on fresh-water plants --on insular plants
Degradation of rocks
Denudation, rate of --of oldest rocks --of granite areas
Development of ancient forms
Devonian system
Dianthus, fertility of crosses
Dimorphism in plants
Dirt on feet of birds
Dispersal, means of --during Glacial period
Distribution, geographical --means of
Disuse, effect of, under nature
Diversification of means for same general purpose
Division, physiological, of labour
Divergence of character
Dog, resemblance of jaw to that of the Thylacinus
Dogs, hairless, with imperfect teeth --descended from several wild stocks --domestic instincts of --inherited civilisation of --fertility of breeds together --of crosses --proportions of body in different breeds, when young
Domestication, variation under
Double flowers
Downing, Mr., on fruit-trees in America
Dragon-flies, intestines of
Drones killed by other bees
Duck, domestic, wings of, reduced --beak of --logger-headed
Dugong, affinities of
Dung-beetles with deficient tarsi
Earl, Mr., W., on the Malay Archipelago
Ears, drooping, in domestic animals --rudimentary
Earth, seeds in roots of trees --charged with seeds
Echinodermata, their pedicellariae
Economy of organisation
Edentata, teeth and hair --fossil species of
Edwards, Milne, on physiological division of labour --on gradations of structure
Edwards, on embryological characters
Eggs, young birds escaping from
Egypt, productions of, not modified
Electric organs
Elephant, rate of increase --of Glacial period
Eozoon Canadense
Epilipsy inherited
Existence, struggle for --condition of
Extinction, as bearing on natural selection --of domestic varieties
Eye, structure of --correction for aberration
Eyes, reduced, in moles
Fabre, M., on hymenoptera fighting --on parasitic sphex --on Sitaris
Falconer, Dr., on naturalisation of plants in India --on elephants and mastodons --and Cautley on mammals of sub-Himalayan beds
Falkland Islands, wolf of
Faunas, marine
Fear, instinctive, in birds
Feet of birds, young molluscs adhering to
Fertilisation variously effected
Fertility of hybrids --from slight changes in conditions --of crossed varieties
Fir-trees destroyed by cattle --pollen of
Fish, flying --teleostean, sudden appearance of --eating seeds --fresh-water, distribution of
Fishes, ganoid, now confined to fresh water --ganoid, living in fresh water --electric organs of --of southern hemisphere
Flight, powers of, how acquired
Flint-tools, proving antiquity of man
Flower, Prof., on the larynx --on Halitherium --on the resemblance between the jaws of the dog and Thylacinus --on the homology of the feet of certain marsupials
Flowers, structure of --in relation to crossing --of composite and umbelliferae --beauty of --double
Flysch formation, destitute of organic remains
Forbes, Mr. D., on glacial action in the Andes
Forbes, E., on colours of shells --on abrupt range of shells in depth --on poorness of palaeontological collections --on continuous succession of genera --on continental extensions --on distribution during Glacial period --on parallelism in time and space
Forests, changes in, in America
Formation, Devonian --Cambrian --intermittent --thickness of, in Britain
Formica --rufescens --sanguinea --flava, neuter of
Forms, lowly organised, long enduring
Frena, ovigerous, of cirripedes
Fresh-water productions, dispersal of
Fries on species in large genera being closely allied to other species
Frogs on islands
Fruit-trees, gradual improvement of --in United States --varieties of, acclimatised in United States
Fuci, crossed
Fur, thicker in cold climates