Galapagos Archipelago, birds of --productions of

Galaxias, its wide range


Game, increase of, checked by vermin

Gartner on sterility of hybrids --on reciprocal crosses --on crossed maize and verbascum --on comparison of hybrids and mongrels

Gaudry, Prof., on intermediate genera of fossil mammals in Attica

Geese, fertility when crossed --upland

Geikie, Mr., on subaerial denudation

Genealogy, important in classification

Generations, alternate

Geoffroy St. Hilaire, on balancement --on homologous organs

Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Isidore, on variability of repeated parts --on correlation, in monstrosities --on correlation --on variable parts being often monstrous

Geographical distribution

Geography, ancient

Geology, future progress of --imperfection of the record

Gervais, Prof., on Typotherium

Giraffe, tail of --structure of

Glacial period --affecting the North and South

Glands, mammary

Gmelin, on distribution

Godwin-Austin, Mr., on the Malay Archipelago

Goethe, on compensation of growth


Gooseberry, grafts of

Gould, Dr. Aug. A., on land-shells

Gould, Mr., on colours of birds --on instincts of cuckoo --on distribution of genera of birds

Gourds, crossed

Graba, on the Uria lacrymans

Grafting, capacity of

Granite, areas of denuded

Grasses, varieties of

Gray, Dr. Asa, on the variability of oaks --on man not causing variability --on sexes of the holly --on trees of the United States --on naturalised plants in the United States --on aestivation --on rarity of intermediate varieties --on Alpine plants

Gray, Dr. J.E., on striped mule


Grimm, on asexual reproduction

Groups, aberrant

Grouse, colours of --red, a doubtful species

Growth, compensation of

Gunther, Dr., on flat-fish --on prehensile tails --on the fishes of Panama --on the range of fresh-water fishes --on the limbs of Lepidosiren

Haast, Dr., on glaciers of New Zealand

Habit, effect of, under domestication --effect of, under nature --diversified, of same species

Hackel, Prof., on classification and the lines of descent

Hair and teeth, correlated


Harcourt, Mr. E.V., on the birds of Madeira

Hartung, M., on boulders in the Azores


Hearne, on habits of bears

Heath, changes in vegetation

Hector, Dr., on glaciers of New Zealand

Heer, Oswald, on ancient cultivated plants --on plants of Madeira


Helix pomatia, resisting salt water

Helmholtz, M., on the imperfection of the human eye


Hemionus, striped

Hensen, Dr., on the eyes of Cephalopods

Herbert, W., on struggle for existence --on sterility of hybrids

Hermaphrodites crossing

Heron eating seed

Heron, Sir R., on peacocks

Heusinger, on white animals poisoned by certain plants

Hewitt, Mr., on sterility of first crosses

Hildebrand, Prof., on the self-sterility of Corydalis

Hilgendorf, on intermediate varieties

Himalaya, glaciers of --plants of



Hofmeister, Prof., on the movements of plants

Holly-trees, sexes of

Hooker, Dr., on trees of New Zealand --on acclimatisation of Himalayan trees --on flowers of umbelliferae --on the position of ovules --on glaciers of Himalaya --on algae of New Zealand --on vegetation at the base of the Himalaya --on plants of Tierra del Fuego --on Australian plants --on relations of flora of America --on flora of the Antarctic lands --on the plants of the Galapagos --on glaciers of the Lebanon --on man not causing variability --on plants of mountains of Fernando Po

Hooks on palms --on seeds, on islands

Hopkins, Mr., on denudation

Hornbill, remarkable instinct of

Horns, rudimentary

Horse, fossil in La Plata --proportions of, when young

Horses destroyed by flies in Paraguay --striped

Horticulturists, selection applied by

Huber on cells of bees

Huber, P., on reason blended with instinct --on habitual nature of instincts --on slave-making ants --on Melipona domestica

Hudson, Mr., on the Ground-woodpecker of La Plata --on the Molothrus

Humble-bees, cells of

Hunter, J., on secondary sexual characters

Hutton, Captain, on crossed geese

Huxley, Prof., on structure of hermaphrodites --on the affinities of the Sirenia --on forms connecting birds and reptiles --on homologous organs --on the development of aphis

Hybrids and mongrels compared


Hydra, structure of

Hymenoptera, fighting

Hymenopterous insect, diving


Charles Darwin

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