
Icebergs transporting seeds

Increase, rate of

Individuals, numbers favourable to selection --many, whether simultaneously created

Inheritance, laws of --at corresponding ages

Insects, colour of, fitted for their stations --sea-side, colours of --blind, in caves --luminous --their resemblance to certain objects --neuter

Instinct, not varying simultaneously with structure

Instincts, domestic

Intercrossing, advantages of

Islands, oceanic

Isolation favourable to selection

Japan, productions of

Java, plants of

Jones, Mr. J.M., on the birds of Bermuda

Jordain, M., on the eye-spots of star fishes

Jukes, Prof., on subaerial denudation

Jussieu on classification

Kentucky, caves of

Kerguelen-land, flora of

Kidney-bean, acclimatisation of

Kidneys of birds

Kirby, on tarsi deficient in beetles

Knight, Andrew, on cause of variation

Kolreuter, on intercrossing --on the barberry --on sterility of hybrids --on reciprocal crosses --on crossed varieties of nicotiana --on crossing male and hermaphrodite flowers

Lamarck, on adaptive characters

Lancelet, eyes of

Landois, on the development of the wings of insects

Land-shells, distribution of --of Madeira, naturalised --resisting salt water

Languages, classification of

Lankester, Mr. E. Ray, on longevity --on homologies

Lapse, great, of time


Laurel, nectar secreted by the leaves

Laurentian formation

Laws of variation

Leech, varieties of

Leguminosae, nectar secreted by glands

Leibnitz, attack on Newton

Lepidosiren, limbs in a nascent condition

Lewes, Mr. G.H., on species not having changed in Egypt --on the Salamandra atra --on many forms of life having been at first evolved

Life, struggle for

Lingula, Silurian

Linnaeus, aphorism of

Lion, mane of --young of, striped

Lobelia fulgens

Lobelia, sterility of crosses

Lockwood, Mr., on the ova of the Hippocampus

Locusts transporting seeds

Logan, Sir W., on Laurentian formation

Lowe, Rev. R.T., on locusts visiting Madeira

Lowness, of structure connected with variability --related to wide distribution

Lubbock, Sir J., on the nerves of coccus --on secondary sexual characters --on a diving hymenopterous insect --on affinities --on metamorphoses

Lucas, Dr. P., on inheritance --on resemblance of child to parent

Lund and Clausen, on fossils of Brazil

Lyell, Sir C., on the struggle for existence --on modern changes of the earth --on terrestrial animals not having been developed on islands --on a carboniferous land-shell --on strata beneath Silurian system --on the imperfection of the geological record --on the appearance of species --on Barrande's colonies --on tertiary formations of Europe and North America --on parallelism of tertiary formations --on transport of seeds by icebergs --on great alternations of climate --on the distribution of fresh-water shells --on land-shells of Madeira

Lyell and Dawson, on fossilized trees in Nova Scotia

Lythrum salicaria, trimorphic

Charles Darwin

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