d metagenetically within a pre- existing form, the process would be called one of alternate generation. The young thus developed may either closely resemble the encasing parent-form, as with the larvae of Cecidomyia, or may differ to an astonishing degree, as with many parasitic worms and jelly-fishes; but this does not make any essential difference in the process, any more than the greatness or abruptness of the change in the metamorphoses of insects.

The whole question of development is of great importance for our present subject. When an organ, the eye, for instance, is metagenetically formed in a part of the body where during the previous stage of development no eye existed, we must look at it as a new and independent growth. The absolute independence of new and old structures, although corresponding in structure and function, is still more obvious when several individuals are formed within a previous form, as in the cases of alternate generation. The same important principle probably comes largely into play even in the case of apparently continuous growth, as we shall see when we consider the inheritance of modifications at corresponding ages.

We are led to the same conclusion, namely, the independence of parts successively developed, by another and quite distinct group of facts. It is well known that many animals belonging to the same order, and therefore not differing widely from each other, pass through an extremely different course of development. Thus certain beetles, not in any way remarkably different from others of the same order, undergo what has been called a hyper-metamorphosis-- that is, they pass through an early stage wholly different from the ordinary grub-like larva. In the same sub-order of crabs, namely, the Macroura, as Fritz Muller remarks, the river cray-fish is hatched under the same form which it ever afterwards retains; the young lobster has divided legs, like a Mysis; the Palaemon appears under the form of a Zoea, and Peneus under the Nauplius- form; and how wonderfully these larval forms differ from one another, is known to every naturalist. (27/31. Fritz Muller 'Fur Darwin' 1864 s. 65, 71. The highest authority on crustaceans, Prof. Milne-Edwards, insists ('Annal. des Sci. Nat.' 2nd series Zoolog. tome 3 page 322) on the difference in the metamorphosis of closely-allied genera.) Some other crustaceans, as the same author observes, start from the same point and arrive at nearly the same end, but in the middle of their development are widely different from one another. Still more striking cases could be given with respect to the Echinodermata. With the Medusae or jelly-fishes Professor Allman observes, "The classification of the Hydroida would be a comparatively simple task if, as has been erroneously asserted, generically-identical medusoids always arose from generically-identical polypoids; and, on the other hand, that generically- identical polypoids always gave origin to generically-identical medusoids." So again, Dr. Strethill Wright remarks, "In the life-history of the Hydroidae any phase, planuloid, polypoid, or medusoid, may be absent." (27/32. Prof. Allman 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.' 3rd series volume 13 1864 page 348; Dr. S. Wright ibid volume 8 1861 page 127. See also page 358 for analogous statements by Sars.)

According to the belief now generally accepted by our best naturalists, all the members of the same order or class, for instance, the Medusae or the Macrourous crustaceans, are descended from a common progenitor. During their descent they have diverged much in structure, but have retained much in common; and this has occurred, though they have passed through and still pass through marvellously different metamorphoses. This fact well illustrates how independent each structure is from that which precedes and that which follows it in the course of development.


Physiologists agree that the whole organism consists of a multitude of elemental parts, which are to a great extent independent of one another.

Charles Darwin

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