Lepus variabilis.
LEREBOULLET, double monsters of fishes.
LESLIE, on Scotch wild cattle.
LESSONA, on regrowth. -on Lepus magellanicus.
LETHBRIDGE, previous impregnation.
LEUCKART, on the larva of Cecidomyidae.
LEWES, G.H., on Pangenesis.
LEWIS, G., cattle of the West Indies.
LHERBETTE and Quatrefages, on the horses of Circassia.
LICHENS, sterility in.
LICHTENSTEIN, resemblance of Bosjesman's dogs to Canis mesomelas. -Newfoundland dog at the Cape of Good Hope.
LIEBIG, differences in human blood, according to complexion.
LIEBREICH, occurrence of pigmentary retinitis in deaf-mutes.
LILIACEAE, contabescence in.
Lilium bulbiferum and davuricum.
Lilium candidum.
LIMBS, regeneration of.
LIMBS and head, correlated variation of.
LIME, effect of, upon shells of the mollusca.
LIME-TREE, changes of, by age.
LIMITATION, supposed, of variation.
Linaria, pelorism in. -peloric, crossed with the normal form. -sterility of.
Linaria vulgaris and purpurea, hybrids of.
LINDEMUTH, potato-grafting.
LINDLEY, JOHN, classification of varieties of cabbages. -origin of the peach. -influence of soil on peaches and nectarines. -varieties of the peach and nectarine. -on the New Town pippin. -freedom of the Winter Majetin apple from coccus. -production of monoecious Hautbois strawberries by bud-selection. -origin of the large tawny nectarine. -bud-variation in the gooseberry. -hereditary disease in plants. -on double flowers. -seeding of ordinarily seedless fruits. -sterility of Acorus calamus. -resistance of individual plants to cold.
LINNAEUS, summer and winter wheat regarded as distinct species by. -on the single-leaved strawberry. -sterility of Alpine plants in gardens. -recognition of individual reindeer by the Laplanders. -growth of tobacco in Sweden.
Linota cannabina.
LION, fertility of, in captivity.
LIPARI, feral rabbits of.
LIVINGSTONE, Dr., striped young pigs on the Zambesi. -domestic rabbits at Loanda. -use of grass-seeds as food in Africa. -planting of fruit-trees by the Batokas. -character of half-castes. -taming of animals among the Barotse. -selection practised in South Africa.
LIVINGSTONE, Mr., disuse a cause of drooping ears.
LIZARDS, reproduction of tail in.
LLAMA, selection of.
LLOYD, Mr., taming of the wolf. -English dogs in northern Europe. -fertility of the goose increased by domestication. -number of eggs laid by the wild goose. -breeding of the capercailzie in captivity.
LOANDA, domestic rabbits at.
Loasa, hybrid of two species of.
Lobelia, reversion in hybrids of. -contabescence in.
Lobelia fulgens, cardinalis, and syphilitica.
LOCKHART, Dr., on Chinese pigeons.
LOISELEUR-DESLONGCHAMPS, originals of cultivated plants. -Mongolian varieties of wheat. -characters of the ear in wheat. -acclimatisation of exotic wheat in Europe. -effect of change of climate on wheat. -on the supposed necessity of the coincident variation of weeds and cultivated plants. -advantage of change of soil to plants.
Lolium temulentum, variable presence of barbs in.
LOOCHOO Islands, horses of.
LORD, J.K., on Canis latrans.
"LORI RAJAH," how produced.
Lorius garrulus.
"LOTAN" tumbler pigeon.
LOUDON, J.W., varieties of the carrot. -short duration of varieties of peas. -on the glands of peach-leaves. -presence of bloom on Russian apples. -origin of varieties of the apple. -varieties of the gooseberry. -on the nut tree. -varieties of the ash. -fastigiate juniper (J. suecica). -on Ilex aquifolium ferox. -varieties of the Scotch fir. -varieties of the hawthorn. -variation in the persistency of leaves on the elm and Turkish oak. -importance of cultivated varieties. -varieties of Rosa spinosissima. -variation of dahlias from the same seed. -production of Provence roses from seeds of the moss-rose. -effect of grafting the purple-leaved upon the common hazel. -intercrossing melons. -nearly evergreen Cornish variety of the elm.